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Volunteers needed this Sunday at Adams Park for maintenance, tidying and cleaning

As per title, I got an email from John Derben at the club. I go with one of my kids each year, but it's always the same old chaps and lasses that give up their time. This is when it is our turn to do something for fan ownership, so feel free to come down and help out!

Here's his email:


We are short on numbers for Sunday. If you have not already registered please let me know if you are available.

Usual arrangements apply. Our base will be The Honors Lounge 9.30 to 10.00am start



  • John's email:

    j.derben123 at btinternet dot com

  • Usually you get a nice plate of sandwiches and crisps for your troubles.

  • Plus tea/coffee.
    I've had significant health issues over the past 18 months (and have a large and challenging garden) but having been involved in the past I must say that it was a very enjoyable experience with good like-minded fellow workers. Plenty of laughs, an excellent light lunch and a real sense of achievement and satisfaction.
    Do come on down.

  • Do they need people with specific practical skills or will anyone do?

    And any idea how much time they'd be wanting, or is that a moveable feast?


  • As much time as you can offer but an hour or two would be welcome. I imagine if you can wash a seat or pull a weed you'll be useful.

    The average age is usually around 75 I'd say if that gives you any idea.

  • It does, @Lloyd2084 . Thanks a lot.

  • There was a turnout of about 25 people at the last volunteering Sunday, 9th July. I would estimate average age at about 55 given that there were several youngsters present. My guess is that this Sunday's efforts will be directed mainly at seat cleaning. Put in as much time as you are able, every contribution will be welcomed.

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