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Burton versus Stevenage Tonight

I have been looking forward to tonight's match at Burton with considerable relish. However, and this could be a blessing in disguise, if the heavy rain forecast for the area this afternoon and evening materialises, there may be doubts about whether it will go ahead.


  • Stevenage 1 up !

  • Two own goals from corners!

  • Perfect result. Can't bring myself ever to want a Weatley team to win!

  • We can catch Burton, tough game for them on Sat away at Plymouth.

  • Wasn't overly impressed with Burton. Hate to say it but thought Stevenage played well. Just hope the pitch dries out before Monday. Forecast for the days leading up to it suggest it will. We have a better side than when they came to Adams Park.

  • Unable to watch the match as I was still travelling, but the wife's verdict was Stevenage where the better side and nothing special about Burton.

    Hope we play fast and direct, as Floyd's suggests is Chairboys play style, against them, we got nothing to fear COYBs.

  • @Ciderk1d I watched the game and I think the reason for Burton not playing so well was the torrential downpour, we also need to watch out for El Khayati he seemed very good.

  • Considering the conditions I thought both sides did well. I certainly wouldn't judge Burton by it as they do look like they like to play it along the ground around the penalty box - which wasn't easy with the ball sticking in the puddles. We will need to be at our very best to get anything out of them I think

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