Valentines Day Massacre
in Not Football
No not a prediction on tonight's score (but with the levels of exhaustion in the squad, not impossible).
I am usually less quick than some to criticise the FA and the Leagues, who have a pretty tough job to please anyone. But honestly what bright spark faced with a calendar and a need to fit n some Tuesday night games thought to himself, ah yes 14 February, ideal.
How much relationship capital will be spent tonight by young bucks trying to negotiate a pass? How many simply will not go? How much income will be lost to the game as a result - surely well into six figures? Wouldn't it have been a tad more sensible to schedule them next week instead?
Regardless of what celebration the supermarkets and card companies have made up for today an away Tuesday night at Crewe in February is stupid on some many levels. The Football League have messed up the fixtures for a few years now though. Doesn't seem to be much pressure from the clubs to change it.
Fair play and safe travels to all going tonight. I predict a bounce back of sorts.
@DevC we have a game next Tuesday already!
I suspect the timing is partly influenced by the fact that, in some regions of the country, it's school half-term week. There is potential, therefore, for a greater number of youngsters to attend; their parents allowing them to stay up late to go to the match, when they otherwise would not allow that if the kids have to get up for school the following morning. My son will be going to Crewe with me this evening and he wouldn't be if it was not half-term.
There's so many moans on here about scheduling aren't there.
No August bank hol game, long trips in winter, long trips in summer, Boxing day game moans, the 5.30 kick off last game, any move for tv, now Valentine's day?
It's be quite amusing seeing some of you attempt to sort all league 2 clubs fixtures out to avoid all of the above.
I can only imagine what you lot would be like if we were a Premier league club! Some of them are lucky to play 2 or 3 games at Saturday 3pm in half a season!
What could be more romantic than a trip to Crewe?
Wasn't 'Brief Encounter' filmed at Crewe Station? If so, it must be a romantic location......."Taxi for VallyWanderer!"
Carnforth station in deepest Lancashire, although I think some scenes were filmed in Beaconsfield.
All I needed was the love you gave
All I needed for another day
And all I ever knew
Beating Crewe
It doesn't need to be gold
it doesn't even need to be metallic
just a hug and kiss with you, my dear
and three points away at Alex.
Yes indeed, Celia Johnson filmed comming dien the cinema steps the most obvious location, it is an Italian restaurant chain now I believe.
And another cameo role with some bit player you're befriending

You're gonna go broken-hearted looking for that happy ending
Well girl you're gonna end up just another lonely ticket sold
Cryin' alone in the theatre as the credits roll
You say I'll be like those other guys
Who filled your head with pretty lies
And dreams that can never come true
Well baby you beat Crewe for me
And I'll beat Crewe for you
@Chris that last pic of GA with the 'BELIEVE' sign is the one we should all focus upon. In fact, I feel we should all take a similar sign to every match and hold it up for the team. That would be '12th man' support!
I have to admit that I've felt pretty flat for the past week or so and I'm amazed that seeing that picture has kick started me again. How fickle I must be!
Not fickle. You're a believer and you're not allowed to let disappointment haunt your dreams!
Yep, it is a game of give and take - or so it seems....
You just have to wait.......possibly until 90+8.