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The Madness of Transfer Deadline Day

Never understand it. Doing business up til midnight on the last day of the window is just madness to me. You sell your best player at lunchtime and then have a handful of hours to identify and recruit a replacement. No wonder teams end up signing Ballotelli.

With now so many of our players out until the new window opens I think we are going to have to sign some bodies on loan. Even with PCH and Weston back in 4 weeks you can't see them being effective for 2 months and by then our season could be defined. Woody can cover for JJ. Gives Freeman a chance on the left. Rowe and McGinn can cover for O'Nein and Bean respectively with a formation change. Thats pretty much the squad out there in 1-11. Worst case scenario is we lose Pierre this afternoon. Or armageddon Pierre and Stewart (the latter has been equally as impressive imho).


  • I'm guessing all GA can really do is ring round clubs asking "Have you got any young players that you would be prepared to loan us and still pay 100% of their wages in return for them being guaranteed regular first team action?". Let's hope someone's feeling generous.

  • As I've said before it's what happens when you leave the men in charge of the shopping.

    All things being equal we need one or two loan players in but I suppose it all depends on the purse strings and the players and deals being offered. I wouldn't be suprised if we didn't sign anyone.

    Hopefully Aaron Pierre is still a Wycombe player tomorrow morning. This season thought Stewart has been the more impressive player in my opinion. That might take the spotlight off both for the time being.

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