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Season ticket renewal

When I try to buy all I get is the England Women's game. What am I doing wrong? (I know I've left it late, no I don't have phone access!)


  • You need to sign in first, and then under "Orders" you need to click "Invoices / Reservations"

  • Quickest season ticket renewal ever. Very impressive. I guess they had all my details from the play offs

  • Not for me! Just Serbia Women available

  • "Just Serbia Women available"

    Are you sure you're ringing the right number @LX1?

  • @barney2EH ..was waiting for one of them nice one! The helpful staff at the club managed to sort me out via email. Online system may need looking at though.

  • LX1 old son, with all due respect, I think you were doing it wrong, presuming you have an Online login/previous online history.

    When you sign in, you do just get the Serbia game. As someone else mentioned, you need to go into a separate area, where the club had laid out the renewal ready to click on, amongst your game history.

    They couldn't really have made it easier, and seemingly no pisstake £2 extra fee.
    (although they had put the prices up anyway, so maybe they just soaked it up into that!)

  • @Malone I did go to that separate area. There was no option. Just beacuse you had a certain experience it doesn't mean everyone did!

  • Were you renewing? Did you have an existing account?
    The people who were a yes to these, on here and in the flesh seemed to have no probs. So just bad luck I guess then!

  • Renewing existing account. Had a few away games there on the record but no renewal. Guessing it maybe because I bought last year by phone. No matter anyway sorted now. Should have been more organised!

  • Well good to have you aboard the 1,500, soon to hopefully match the 2,114!

  • I also tried to renew online and failed @LX1, so you're not alone. There was absolutely nothing there for renewals.

    All the purchases on that account related to my pre-season ticket activity from the season before last. I guess I've got another record somewhere.

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