Replica shirts
We are currently researching the growth in the buying and wearing of
replica football shirts by adult fans since the 1970s. We are aiming to
gather the experiences and opinions of fans who have bought or been
given replica shirts (be it occasionally or every season!), and
of fans who have never owned a replica shirt. [b]We are keen to hear
from fans of all ages - and particularly those aged over 40, who
might have bought replica shirts in the 1980s and early 1990s.
We'd be very grateful if you'd be willing to complete our short survey
(should take 5 minutes at most).
You can access it here:
Thanks for your time
Chris Stride (University of Sheffield) and Nick Catley (Independent
No adult over 40 should ever wear a replica football shirt.
Why ever not. What harm does it do. If he feels like it, why should a 50 year old's actions be any different to a 30 year old.
Incidentally on my PC at of the questions only works if you support a team starting A to C. Not great on a W message board
It could be because whatever people may say...anyone who is not a footballer or a child...looks a twat in a football shirt...which is fine as long as they are fully aware of the fact. I am sure someone can find a graph that proves it.
In your opinion. Not in mine.
And where would the club be financially if us oldies didn't buy a replica shirt every season?
true @robin I take it back for purely financial reasons
Do the shirts have special pocket's for bus passes?.
It's surely about where you wear the top rather than age.
If you play football, perfect.
If you wear it to go to games, perfect.
Wearing it on every day trips to the shops and suchlike is a bit oddball and obsessive.
There is something a bit strange about morbidly obese fans cramming their monumental beer bellies into replica shirts though.
I'd disagree to some extent. If you live remote from your home team in some way it's a social introduction. 'Hello, I'm a long-suffering/discerning football fan. And you support... God, don't you just hate..., etc.'
But I will agree: it's sad and David Mellor (shudder) killed the idea that they can actually look good on ANYONE away from a football pitch
I do remember getting a tonne of quizzical looks when I wore a Wycombe shirt strolling through London once unrelated to a game being on.
I was a teen so it was acceptable, sort of.
People can wear what they want, when they want as far as I'm concerned.
This ain't blooming North Korea
I wear mine to play football in or go to the gym, don't wear them to games but each to their own, I do like the idea of sporting the colours even if I share the trepidation over fat men in overstretched sports gear.
I don't give a shit i wear mine down the pub,as i live among Gas dickheads i like to make them angry and it works.
are you against fracking @robin?
Eh? But no i am not.
I thought that's what you meant by 'Gas dickheads'?
Thanks to all who have completed our survey (see start of thread)
We have had over 2,500 responses from fans of the 92 league clubs! If you haven't completed the survey yet and would like to, then you have until the end of the month before we close it and analyse the data.
Chris and Nick