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  • An optimistic prediction considering York's last three home games and our last three away games have all been draws!

    We really need to win this one.

  • Shift worker or insomniac Chris?!

  • Luke's return, Marcus Bean's availability and the recuperation of several players from illness (we hope) will be key. In a side boosted by those factors, young Jerrel (accent on second syllable, incidentally) could be a match winner - cf that jinking run and ferocious finish in the first half against Wimbledon.

  • The next three games are crucial. We need to target 7-9 pts, which will probably give us a small cushion going into three tough final fixtures. If we only get, say, 1 win then we will probably fall out of the play offs and will then need to really pull something out if the bag against three decent teams, Pompey, Accrington and Oxford.

  • I still think beating the teams around us is possible and probably the better way to go as it means a loss for the competition too.

    It does all come down to scoring a goal or two though and the ability of the opposition seems to have little impact on that.

  • I assume (dangerous thing - can make an ass of u and me) that you mean the teams above us. They are the only ones "around us" that we have to play. Those below us that we still have to play are not in contention.

  • We have to win the next three games to have any realistic chance of hanging onto that last play-off place...and then hope whoever we end up playing then are downhearted about missing automatic!

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