English Football League
Here are the Logo’s for the new “English Football League”. Awful re-branding in my opinion, don’t know why they couldn’t just stick with “The football League”.
Here are the Logo’s for the new “English Football League”. Awful re-branding in my opinion, don’t know why they couldn’t just stick with “The football League”.
My eyes!!!! Stop it now. What a horrible attempt at Americanisation.
Sounds too much like the "EDL" for my liking.
@BSE. I think the reason is because "The Football League" has self-evident class, clout and history, whilst the people making this decision lack any of those. It's marketing gone mad.
Just can't get that abortion of blue in the middle? The arrow, would that be on the real thing or just computer screens to start a video?
@EwanHoosaami ,Yeah the arrow is just to start the video of the new logo's. @our_frank marketing gone mad indeed. @Right_in_the_Middle has it spot on, it does seem like an attempt to appeal to the American market. Along with increasing attempts to Introduce American Football to England with a couple of NFL league games being played at Wembley in the last few years.
A (broadly) related David Conn article:
Horrible it probably cost tens of thousands and as said before its one letter away from EDL genius.
Can we retaliate by having the teams run out at Adams Park to "I'm so bored with the USA" by the Clash?