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Parking around the ground



  • I would hope that the Rotary hands out ALL the money it collects, although I might be somewhat naive here!

  • How would you feel if the money was being pocketed directly by someone who was claiming unemployment benefits to boost their drink or drug habits for example. Alternatively boosting terrorism funds?
    I know they are extreme examples but if nobody enquires you can't be sure that the money raised goes to a bona fida organisation.

  • It would be good to know the background of the change to Rotary.. I am sure Rotary are providing the full charges, sorry donations, to worthy charities. But why did the previous arrangement need to finish or change? We know that it benefitted local clubs/scouts etc. Are they now not benefitting? Did they want to stop and asked Rotary to step in? Has their been some behind the scenes Charity Wars/ takeover? We are paying the money so we should perhaps get clafication of who is benefitting and what has happened.


    Rotarions complicit in funding global terror
    Fans 'we had no choice but to park there'
    Home Office investigating

  • Who owns the land the Rotary Club are levying parking charges? I trust the owner has no connection with the Rotarians.

  • @mooneyman said:
    Who owns the land the Rotary Club are levying parking charges? I trust the owner has no connection with the Rotarians.

    I think it's Sinn Fein.

  • It's called trickle down economics. The poor will be lifted up eventually.

  • I am not a Rotarian but I know they do support good causes so why the concern that they have taken over some of this work? It has always depended upon volunteers and needs doing or it would be chaos, or more likely the firms who own the areas concerned would lock them up which would cause a stir for sure.

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