Best Of
Re: Andrew Howard + Shirt Speculation
Reproduced from here.
For reference, Cambridge University actually provides a useful colour palette page - . The one that's actually blue on there (in the light palette) is the one most people associate with Cambridge as it's the one used in their brand identity. The one that's green on there is the "sporting blue" as used by the rowers and the egg chasers. Here's your full history of the sporting blue:
So, the short version of this, is that the "correct" light blue for a Wycombe shirt is Pantone 284, which is RGB 108, 172, 228 or hex #6cace4
However, whoever made the graphic for the Cambridge University website wasn't very careful with their colour reproduction. So here, definitively, is the correct blue (assuming you have a properly calibrated screen with a 2.2 gamma and a D65 white point, quartered with the correct Oxford blue (hex #002147)...
Re: Match day thread: play-off Final
Sunderland fan here, Only joined up to say that before the game reading different forums etc I bought into this dislike with one another
However after the match hearing Ainsworth post match interview and the big lads Bayo I have to say massive respect! They were so gracious and respectful it's really hard not to like them.
They're a total credit to your club and I genuinely wish yous all the best next season.
Gasroom 2.1
Hey kids. This is your new look Gasroom. Things of note...
- Quoting is now much more space friendly - @AlanCecil and @micra I think you'll like it
- You can finally upload images - just in time for everyone's Wembley pics
- The site is now responsive, so it should work on any screen size (personally, I have it zoomed in a bit Cmd+plus on a Mac, dunno how you do it on Windows) including mobile
- It should be a lot faster
- The thumbs function now contributes towards the "Best Of..." feature in the menu up top there. Highly upvoted posts will always be easy to find. Moderators get an extra button too called "promote" which is basically the equivalent of 5 votes or something, so we can help highlight particularly useful posts. Too many downvotes and a post will self destruct. Or something, I don't know what yet. I trust you all to be grown ups and use these features responsibly.
- All the old posts are there, but the new version stores the data slightly differently, so this means quotes in old posts still look like they did before, and emoji in old posts is broken, which you'll notice especially in the Wordle threads.