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Re: New Manager Rumour Mill
Let's all get behind SG and the team tomorrow night, and hope for some news of a new Head Coach before the end of the week.
Re: New Manager Rumour Mill
If MB had stuck around and gotten us promotion then the honeymoon would have continued for a bit longer. But it was always going to end in tears for some (most?) people eventually. Lommy seemingly wanting us to be a Premier League team will bring enough problems for the 'family club' supporters who won't like a new stadium near a motorway and thousands of tourists and 'daytrippers' turning up. But then there's the whole 'Kazakhstan' concept and what it will actually mean. We become Astana's feeder club? Half the squad go missing for World Cup qualifiers? I have no idea but being a little club in the Chilterns and an international powerhouse is going to cause some problems.
I'd guess that if the lads who had a kickaround in 1887 could somehow visit Adams Park they'd shit their breeches at seeing how things have developed. But that's change lads. Do you want to be like Wycombe Nose Club? DO YOU?
I've been sitting here for ten minutes thinking how to end this post but I have no idea what the future is going to be. Emotional, I suppose.
Re: Birmingham away
The final choices for games and times shown on Sky are 4 weeks in advance of those games (rolling every week to the end of the season).
Therefore we will know this Saturday if it is being shown on Sky (pending game movement due to FA cup).
Re: New Manager Rumour Mill
Ha, sorry about that Malone, I really wasn’t trying to wind you up about Evatt because although the majority wanted him gone we were equally sorry it came to that. We really wanted him to succeed. Naturally all managers are judged solely on what we see on the field but actually Evatt has done an incredible job behind the scenes too. The training ground the back room staff, the fan zone and many other improvements have actually been led by Evatt from the crumbling mess we were after administration when Sharon came in with her investors. I’m sure he’d do the same for another club and I genuinely hope he does because we owe him a lot. Why we use Sharon’s first name I don’t know, it just stuck and possibly because nobody knew the correct spelling of her surname Brittan? Anyway, I just hope whoever you get as manager he does you proud because like most Bolton fans we’d genuinely love you to do well. I can’t see us challenging you for the automatics but hopefully with our new man in place we can at least make the top six and ±with a bit of luck see both of us in the Championship next year.
Re: New Manager Rumour Mill
Evatt surely does not fit the new outlook of the ownership team. Failure being rewarded? For years football has had a merry go round of managers who get fired for performance on Monday and linked to the next job immediately. Rooney is a classic example of this. No foundation for getting a job and yet getting linked with jobs left right and centre, and some chairman will think 'I wonder ....'.
I would love to see a manager appointed where the first thing I have to do is Google their history. We are at the beginning of a new dawn* and I don't think an old stick in the mud is the way forward.
*or apocalypse
Re: Match Day Thread: Northampton
anyone else a bit concerned about the state of the pitch? Seemed to have been a drastic deterioration since the last game with bobbles all over the place
Would be a shame because it's looked like a carpet since the first game until now
Re: New Manager Rumour Mill
I don't think this place will survive him becoming the new manager
Re: New Manager Rumour Mill
Gents, I think we need to take a collective breath and look at the bigger picture. We are all here because we love our club and want the very best for it. We have all been shocked by the developments this transfer window. The departure of MB, the actions of Rice et al. before, during & after has also surprised us. We are currently undergoing changes and none of us are used to it as we've been lucky with GA & MB as they have been loyal and seen this club achieve great things. Are we going to become just like every other club with management changes when the times get tough, maybe, but we will still have our club to support.
Can we also remember that @drcongo has created an environment where we can all share our views respectfully and in a way that allows us all to celebrate the positives and reassure when the negatives hit. This Gasroom out performs ALL other clubs' forums, its easy for us to access, use and not have adverts surrounding us.
Football and everything to do with it is an emotional game and sometimes that spills over, just remember that none of us (except for a few) know each other's personal situation and some comments can cut deeper than you are aware of. Mental health has been spoken about a few times and I myself took a month out because some comments got to me and I needed that break. I just want us to take things easy because if this forum was to disappear, I think it would be a very sad day for us all.
Re: Match Day Thread: Northampton
just a complete made up lie he said it was all on the board, well evidenced.