Re: Rob's Q&A on Tuesday
Makes you wish for the glory days of Ivor Beeks which was like a golden time in our history (Drops bomb and scarpers) (View Post)5 -
Re: Match Day Thread: Cheltenham
Unbelievable. If we haven't appealed why on earth not? (View Post)0 -
Re: EFL Trophy
While 100k isn't to be sniffed at, it's a bit of a poxy pot for winning a cup that seemingly had about 73 rounds isn't it?! (View Post)-1 -
Re: Rob's Q&A on Tuesday
Probably the same people who did the same to posts about the carpark at Millbrook ending abruptly. Instead of having the skill to debate why. (View Post)-2 -
Re: Rob's Q&A on Tuesday
Have any details come out about this? Conservative estimate, 100 cars, £5 each, let the school keep all the money. Can they not offer one teacher/parent £100 for a few hours work and everyone wins? (View Post)-1