Re: Woodlands / Legends Lounge (Boardroom)
@ReturnToSenda Not something to joke best mate was killed by one (View Post)9 -
Re: Gasroom Playlist Picks
Can someone please wake up @Gary@glasshalffull ? This was an entertaining and enlightening thread, it would be a shame to see it just stop in mid-flight For some reason this won't let me delete @Gary… (View Post)1 -
Re: Gasroom Playlist Picks
Ok try again, can someone please wake up @glasshalffull ? This has been an entertaining and enlightening thread, it would be a shame to see it stop in mid-flight. Yay ! Success ! (View Post)1 -
Re: Gasroom Playlist Picks
No, he was not the best guitarist in the world. Jimi said that about half a dozen people if memory serves me correctly. Never thought much of Rory Gallagher's studio output but live on stage he came … (View Post)1 -
Re: Gasroom Playlist Picks
I was there. A group of us students "borrowed" the minibus from Newlands Park College and drove over to see the gig. Much alcohol was consumed on the way and so memories of the gig itself a… (View Post)3