Re: Politics thread
Factually in terms of seats Labour won a landslide. Early indications from ministers appointed are encouraging but huge task ahead given the dreadful inheritance. We will see how they get on. Le Pen … (View Post)-2 -
Re: Gasroom General Election poll
Lots of oil divided by not many people gives a much higher figure per head than not much oil divided by lots of people. (View Post)-1 -
Which question have I ignored? (View Post)-1 -
Re: Politics thread
Honestly unless someone really messes up (eg Teresa May in the election Corbyn still managed to lose) really not sure the campaigns make a lot of difference. (View Post)-1 -
Re: Politics thread
Whatever you think the policies of Labour should be, you surely have to admit that it is been a remarkable achievement by Starmer to wrest control back from Momentum. Still not really sure how that h… (View Post)-3