Top Twenty for the Total Attendance: [Actual 7798]
Many congratulations again to @silverfox, Forecaster of the Week with a single digit miss.
A good few were within one hundred ......
Congratulations @bookertease and @robin for very respectable scores for a difficult game to predict.
Congratulations for this and a special mention for @BradtheMiller who enhances his reputation on here for knowing his stuff, good luck with your club getting the dead weight off its shoulders.
Finally to finish off the fine few, congratulations to @wwfcblue, @Twizz and @micra who all chose the beautifully quirky, enticing, sequential numbers 7890. @micra - if zero's don't count they were the right numbers, just in the wrong order.
There are lots of scores there that will count on the Tour de Season Leaderboard.
Top Twenty for the Away Crowd: [Actual 218 with 5% at 10.9]
Many congratulations to @williwycombe who was closest missing the number of ecstatically happy wanderers by just two. Congratulations to @a40 who missed by just three. Congratulations to the two 'Three swans in row" forecasters - @bookertease and @MindlessDrugHoover who were both out by just four.
Congratulations to @DJWYC14, @Glenactico and @Mandown who also made predictions that were within 5% of the actual away attendance (10.9 persons].
Top Twenty for the Home Attendances [Calculated - 7580]
Mnay congratulations indeed to @BradtheMiller, first time that an opposition fan has topped any of these tables. I am a bit ashamed to say I didn't realise this had happened until google sheets worked it out.
Collectively we overestimated on all three measures. In pure number terms we were closest with our away attendance, but in percentage terms we were on average much closer with the bigger home attendance, which of course swamped the away numbers in the total crowd predictions.
8,050 with 250 from Wycombe
8005 inc 345
7980 with 230 wishing for a win and back to second place
7888 with243 traveling
7,798 according to the BBC but I find it hard to believe there were that many there.
Apologies for not reminding people of the deadline. @wwfcblue just inside it.
I will do at least most of the outstanding updates tomorrow.
218 Chairboys/girls announced.
Only got in from work at 6.40, just enough time to do a little research before the 6.45 deadline.
@silverfox 👏🏻
Top Twenty for the Total Attendance: [Actual 7798]
Many congratulations again to @silverfox, Forecaster of the Week with a single digit miss.
A good few were within one hundred ......
Congratulations @bookertease and @robin for very respectable scores for a difficult game to predict.
Congratulations for this and a special mention for @BradtheMiller who enhances his reputation on here for knowing his stuff, good luck with your club getting the dead weight off its shoulders.
Congratulations to @LDF; @williwycombe; @a40 and @perfidious_albion and congratulations.
Finally to finish off the fine few, congratulations to @wwfcblue, @Twizz and @micra who all chose the beautifully quirky, enticing, sequential numbers 7890. @micra - if zero's don't count they were the right numbers, just in the wrong order.
There are lots of scores there that will count on the Tour de Season Leaderboard.
Home and Away tables to follow ......
Stadium must be huge if it's anywhere near that, I'd guess they are using the old trick of counting season ticket holders who didn't actually attend.
Top Twenty for the Away Crowd: [Actual 218 with 5% at 10.9]
Many congratulations to @williwycombe who was closest missing the number of ecstatically happy wanderers by just two. Congratulations to @a40 who missed by just three. Congratulations to the two 'Three swans in row" forecasters - @bookertease and @MindlessDrugHoover who were both out by just four.
Congratulations to @DJWYC14, @Glenactico and @Mandown who also made predictions that were within 5% of the actual away attendance (10.9 persons].
Top Twenty for the Home Attendances [Calculated - 7580]
Mnay congratulations indeed to @BradtheMiller, first time that an opposition fan has topped any of these tables. I am a bit ashamed to say I didn't realise this had happened until google sheets worked it out.
Congratulations to @bookertease and @robin who were both very close to @BradtheMiller.
Congratulations to @williwycombe; @perfidious_albion; @silverfox; @micra; @wwfcblue; @LDF; @thecatwwfc; @a40; @ryan_w_kirkby2 and @Alexo - who all were had forecasts within one hundred of the 7580.
Actuals and Averages:
Collectively we overestimated on all three measures. In pure number terms we were closest with our away attendance, but in percentage terms we were on average much closer with the bigger home attendance, which of course swamped the away numbers in the total crowd predictions.