I'm pleased this Saturday's game wasn't chosen but it feels weird Sky passed on it when it would surely have had far higher viewing figures than the ones they have picked.
Sky have a passion for showing local derbys and I suppose Stevenage have shorter distance for fans to travel than those from Wrexham. Same for us going to Reading for lunchtime ko
12.30 is less of a bother to me than Tuesday nights, Friday nights or Monday nights...but generally whatever it is (with regard to kickoff times) I'm against it.
Trouble with 12:30 Saturday kick-offs is that the whole experience feels so much worse. Real football matches take place in the afternoon or evening - preferably under floodlights.
Early kick-offs are for kids and Sunday pub teams.
Not keen on the 12:30 ko times. Whether I can go will entirely depend upon kick off time for my daughter's Saturday morning football. Likewise the Reading game, which I'd love to have gone to is now pretty much impossible for me to attend.
Sadly with so many games being moved that I can’t make I think I’m going to have to give up my ST. It just doesn’t make financial sense anymore.
I'm pleased this Saturday's game wasn't chosen but it feels weird Sky passed on it when it would surely have had far higher viewing figures than the ones they have picked.
Wycombe and Stevenage fans barely want to watch that on tv let alone the public at large
Sky have a passion for showing local derbys and I suppose Stevenage have shorter distance for fans to travel than those from Wrexham. Same for us going to Reading for lunchtime ko
All of this Sky Sports + game time changes seems to be having a negative impact on season ticket holders.
I don't mind 5:30 but 12:30 is a crap KO time
Other way round for me.
Selfishly 12:30 does me a favour this particular Saturday. Overall though I’m not in favour.
That’s stopped me buying the four game package and I was going to press the button this morning but left the tickets in my basket after work got busy.
How anyone with kids playing Saturday morning sports can make a 12.30 KO is beyond me.
Half the fun is having an hour or two with friends in the Vere or local pub and then watching the game.
Oh well, at least I can watch it at home.
12.30 is less of a bother to me than Tuesday nights, Friday nights or Monday nights...but generally whatever it is (with regard to kickoff times) I'm against it.
Trouble with 12:30 Saturday kick-offs is that the whole experience feels so much worse. Real football matches take place in the afternoon or evening - preferably under floodlights.
Early kick-offs are for kids and Sunday pub teams.
Not keen on the 12:30 ko times. Whether I can go will entirely depend upon kick off time for my daughter's Saturday morning football. Likewise the Reading game, which I'd love to have gone to is now pretty much impossible for me to attend.