In his post near the start of this thread @drcongo states “Complying with it would require expensive technical considerations (like scanning uploaded files, private messages etc.) as well as actual staffing”
if private messages were no longer supported and uploading files was prohibited I don’t think too much of what’s great about this place would be lost.
so, @drcongo, what would have to go to enable this place to continue, possibly as a paid for site, and free you of the threat of OSA transgressions? And most importantly would you even consider that with some additional admin help?
And if it’s to be closed, I’ll add my thanks for all you have done.
Life was so much easier in the era of pen friends.
Mad that a law could be so problematic for a forum like this, while Facebook and the like make a fortune serving up unsolicited illegal content on a minute by minute basis. But then legislators have always excelled at passing laws they don’t understand.
Fingers crossed someone can patch something together and thank you @drcongo for years of sterling service.
Genuinely can't imagine supporting Wycombe without the Gasroom. I don't post here prolifically but I feel like I know so many of you despite never having met a single one. What a wonderful community this site has been.
I really hope we can find a way forward to create a Gasroom 3.0. The Dr mentions there is someone having discussions about potentially taking on the batton. Whoever you are, thank you, and please let us know what you need as I'm sure many of us would do whatever we can to support a new site.
@drcongo I can only add my thanks for all you've done. Gutted you're stepping away as this site is genuinely perfect, but I understand your reasons.
If the worst came to the worst I would welcome the opportunity to keep in touch with anyone interested in an occasional chat either by telephone, text or email.
The great thing about this place is that there is no clutter - no adverts, no pop-ups, no tasteless 'news feeds' - just like the original Gasroom I guess.
Would be really sad to see it go. To be honest, I can't really keep up with all the threads, so I missed whatever it was that caused the recent upsets. In the end though, most of the time, it's just football, a welcome diversion for most of us, so it's a shame that occasionally things do turn and have turned a bit unpleasant.
Let's hope that some solution can be found. In the meantime, many thanks @drcongo for starting it all up and keeping it going for so long.
Sad, frustrating and challenging times. @drcongo I'm interested in exploring options to keep the Gasroom going in its next evolution, I've dropped you a dm
I’m relatively new here, and it’s clearly, one of the, if not the best football forums anywhere.
I thank you @drcongo for your time, money and resources in setting up such a brilliant forum.
I appreciate your main point of contention is regulatory frameworks and the minefields they have created, but I echo what most others have said, if there would be a subscription model I would be very happy to pay. Surely a model can be found if the subscriber him/herself sign up, they should take responsibility for what they post and not the forum, but I appreciate it’s not that straightforward.
Anyway, thank you and hopefully this forum is around long enough to all at least see us out over Wrexham at minimum.
@drcongo a huge thank you for all your work on setting up & running this place, as others have said I will miss it when it is gone.
As you say the OSA is a bag of spanners, yet another example of a dreadfully drafted piece of legislation that will spectacularly fail to deliver what it set out to do.
I, like you, am struggling to see how to create a decent forum that easily complies with OSA at minimal effort & cost & minimal risk to whoever is managing it. Whilst there is a plethora of options out there for the software to run it & hosting it, I am struggling to find a decent managed service offering that provides the support & protection needed.
I suspect we will probably end up on Reddit or Discourse at some point & if we do I hope to see you all there.
I’d never really looked into the new act but it does seem that it is not worth the hassle. The ofcom 79 page risk assessment to be done and kept up to date is a job in itself!!! Thanks for all your time and effort @drcongo and feel happy that for every hour you put in, 100s of hours were enjoyed (mostly) by fellow fans
Thank you @drcongo
In his post near the start of this thread @drcongo states “Complying with it would require expensive technical considerations (like scanning uploaded files, private messages etc.) as well as actual staffing”
if private messages were no longer supported and uploading files was prohibited I don’t think too much of what’s great about this place would be lost.
so, @drcongo, what would have to go to enable this place to continue, possibly as a paid for site, and free you of the threat of OSA transgressions? And most importantly would you even consider that with some additional admin help?
And if it’s to be closed, I’ll add my thanks for all you have done.
Life was so much easier in the era of pen friends.
Mad that a law could be so problematic for a forum like this, while Facebook and the like make a fortune serving up unsolicited illegal content on a minute by minute basis. But then legislators have always excelled at passing laws they don’t understand.
Fingers crossed someone can patch something together and thank you @drcongo for years of sterling service.
Genuinely can't imagine supporting Wycombe without the Gasroom. I don't post here prolifically but I feel like I know so many of you despite never having met a single one. What a wonderful community this site has been.
I really hope we can find a way forward to create a Gasroom 3.0. The Dr mentions there is someone having discussions about potentially taking on the batton. Whoever you are, thank you, and please let us know what you need as I'm sure many of us would do whatever we can to support a new site.
@drcongo I can only add my thanks for all you've done. Gutted you're stepping away as this site is genuinely perfect, but I understand your reasons.
If the worst came to the worst I would welcome the opportunity to keep in touch with anyone interested in an occasional chat either by telephone, text or email.
My email address is [email protected]
The great thing about this place is that there is no clutter - no adverts, no pop-ups, no tasteless 'news feeds' - just like the original Gasroom I guess.
Would be really sad to see it go. To be honest, I can't really keep up with all the threads, so I missed whatever it was that caused the recent upsets. In the end though, most of the time, it's just football, a welcome diversion for most of us, so it's a shame that occasionally things do turn and have turned a bit unpleasant.
Let's hope that some solution can be found. In the meantime, many thanks @drcongo for starting it all up and keeping it going for so long.
Sad, frustrating and challenging times. @drcongo I'm interested in exploring options to keep the Gasroom going in its next evolution, I've dropped you a dm
I’m relatively new here, and it’s clearly, one of the, if not the best football forums anywhere.
I thank you @drcongo for your time, money and resources in setting up such a brilliant forum.
I appreciate your main point of contention is regulatory frameworks and the minefields they have created, but I echo what most others have said, if there would be a subscription model I would be very happy to pay. Surely a model can be found if the subscriber him/herself sign up, they should take responsibility for what they post and not the forum, but I appreciate it’s not that straightforward.
Anyway, thank you and hopefully this forum is around long enough to all at least see us out over Wrexham at minimum.
Relatively new to the forum will be very sad to see this place go.
Even though I hardly post, I seem to read most of what's on here. Furthermore, I can only echo the thanks for all that DrCongo's done.
Unfortunately, even though I believe that the model of this country is broken, it comes to something when it reaches this forum!
@drcongo a huge thank you for all your work on setting up & running this place, as others have said I will miss it when it is gone.
As you say the OSA is a bag of spanners, yet another example of a dreadfully drafted piece of legislation that will spectacularly fail to deliver what it set out to do.
I, like you, am struggling to see how to create a decent forum that easily complies with OSA at minimal effort & cost & minimal risk to whoever is managing it. Whilst there is a plethora of options out there for the software to run it & hosting it, I am struggling to find a decent managed service offering that provides the support & protection needed.
I suspect we will probably end up on Reddit or Discourse at some point & if we do I hope to see you all there.
Just a thought - what are other football club supporters groups doing?
Is it worth contacting the Football Supporters Association for advice?
Like others, would be sad to see the end of a Gasroom, but like them too I am not technically minded enough to know what to do
I’d never really looked into the new act but it does seem that it is not worth the hassle. The ofcom 79 page risk assessment to be done and kept up to date is a job in itself!!! Thanks for all your time and effort @drcongo and feel happy that for every hour you put in, 100s of hours were enjoyed (mostly) by fellow fans