The current on is great. But a great man serves two.
To the tune of Zombie by the Cranberries..
He's in your heeeeaad
In you heeeeaad
Kooone ne ne
Have you escaped ?
With Michael Caine and Sylvester Stallone's help
Have you escaped James?
Many years ago still on the run .
What did you escape from..
Come on I'm intrigued. The only Connect final starts at 8
Don’t have a song for the King but for Bez Lubala, we could sing his name to the tune of Kum Ba Yah, which we surely all know from our school days.
Lubala m’Lord, Lubala
Lubala m’Lord Lubala
oh! Lord Lubala.
As a confirmed bible basher you’d have to think he’d love it. Either that or he’d think we were all blaspheming.
Excellent work @Theatre_of_Chairs
There's a match tomorrow..get it going
To help with the tune, the tempo is a bit slow but they do look like some folk on the terrace (myself included)
Have you escaped ?
With Michael Caine and Sylvester Stallone's help
Have you escaped James?
Many years ago still on the run .
What did you escape from..
Come on I'm intrigued. The only Connect final starts at 8
Don’t have a song for the King but for Bez Lubala, we could sing his name to the tune of Kum Ba Yah, which we surely all know from our school days.
Lubala m’Lord, Lubala
Lubala m’Lord, Lubala
Lubala m’Lord Lubala
oh! Lord Lubala.
As a confirmed bible basher you’d have to think he’d love it. Either that or he’d think we were all blaspheming.
Excellent work @Theatre_of_Chairs
There's a match tomorrow..get it going
To help with the tune, the tempo is a bit slow but they do look like some folk on the terrace (myself included)