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Trust Meeting 27/02 - Dan Rice update and Q&A



  • Bit of an elephant in the room isn't there?

  • Not exactly erudite is he.

  • The only way any questions related to Blooms being answered is if it comes from someone in the room?

  • Interesting…here goes.

  • edited February 27

    Dan: “we tried to keep Matt. Contracts were offered”

    Edit: I think it’s likely that the contract was a ‘head coach or nothing’ kind of deal but without facts, we have no reason to doubt that Dan is telling the truth and that there was something offered. I guess the question will always be ‘we tried to keep him but how hard?’

  • edited February 27

    He’s got a different style to Rob Couhig

  • We were in a coincidence?

  • Not sure that will have changed anyone’s pre-existing opinions either way

  • The whole thing was very ABC(D). Never really answered any of the questions.

  • (acknowledge, bridge, control, deflect/dangle)

  • edited February 27

    Ainsworth Bloomfield Couhig Dodds

  • Can’t say learnt anything earth shattering, but was interesting to hear what he had to say. Agree unlikely to have changed anyone’s preexsiting opinions.

    It was good that he made himself available for the Q&A. Although questions might not have all been answered directly, also positive that contentious posts/topics were raised.

    Am slightly concerned about the possibility of the ground being left to fall into a further state of disrepair aside from pitch improvements.

    I had wondered about the chances of Mikheil, turning up for Wrexham game (or later in the season if we are still in the running), but didn’t sound very likely.

  • That it smells of urine

  • Not much.

    To me there was a noticeable difference when he was talking about priority areas - eg thought he seemed genuinely enthusiastic when he mentioned a young player training with the first team for the first time.

  • I think it's pretty clear that Dan Rice is a football guy, not an infrastructure guy. Rob Couhig was an infrastructure guy, not a football guy. Take your pick as to which you prefer, but it's hard not to be excited by their vision for both the first team and the academy.

    Very interesting/reassuring at the end to hear the extent Lomtadze is involved. Daily conversations, weekend meetings, watches every game - he may not communicate like Rob Couhig, but he's certainly no less involved.

  • Is there a summary/transcript for those who couldn't join?

  • They mentioned that it was being recorded

  • any mention of Westerskjaer?

  • I think that is why Dan is called "interim chairman". I assume a permanent chairman will be appointed in due course.

  • Nothing particularly earth shattering to come out of the meeting. Rice said they tried to keep Bloomfield by offering a new contract. Not sure that comment will appease the posters who think he was pushed. Clearly took their time to get Dodds, so will that satisfy the posters that believed the management had someone lined up as Bloomfield walked out of the door? Very clear recruitment is now out of the hands of the Head Coach( perhaps Bloomfield didn’t like that ). Good to hear that ML is actively involved even from a distance ( again some people may not believe that statement). Also good to hear that we’ll have a new pitch for next season and wider than the current one , to suit the style of football Dodds wants to play. Disappointed no comments on improving the ground.

  • Not specifically referred to. There was a Q around whether MD's job as a new Head Coach is now harder by having to integrate all these new singings. The answer was along the lines of "that's his job to manage, lots of difficult conversations to be had with disappointed players etc" - ie pretty much exactly what MD has said himself.

  •  Disappointed no comments on improving the ground.

    A hint that the KaspiDome will eventually be built nearer to London?

  • edited February 28

    Congratulations from me too. I know Alan, his dad, of course and I know Matt to the extent that we chatted a couple of times years ago when I bumped into him and his wife in a local supermarket. I mentioned on one occasion that I spent far too long on the Gasroom and his response was “I know, it’s addictive, isn’t it”. He may have been weaned off it, of course !

  • Hi - happy for me not to be anonymous. My name's Mark Shanahan and I've been following the club since the early 90s - indeed I wrote for the programme for a few years back then. The guy I was speaking to has long management/assistant management experience and is now scouting in his retirement. He related a conversation he'd had with his current club's manager who had been talking to Bloomfield around the turn of the year. It was also notable that he also said one of the reasons Dodds was attracted to Wycombe is that he's based near Birmingham and the commute down the M40 was a lot more attractive than to Sunderland. I guess managers occasionally have lives beyond football too.

  • Handy for tomorrow.

    Our granddaughter’s partner is a Birmingham City fan. We’re not in regular contact but I will probably be in touch with him if we manage to become the third club in League One to beat them this season !

    COYBB. (Oh dear, B for Bucks doesn’t really work!)

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