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Man of the Match - Northampton (H)



  • No vote from me this week as I didn't see it - was at No1 sons wedding

  • Slightly harsh on your second favourite son.

  • Sonny for me just, but Kone was so good when he came on, strong, determined, a real handful.

  • Hope you and the family had a great day @Erroll_Sims

  • dont forget Mansfield at home and Bolton before then (and Exeter more recently), all very similar performance levels to today just with different results in some cases

  • Yes I’m sure the players were really impacted by Mitchell’s departure 🙄 DOFL

  • edited January 26

    News Broke that Mitchell was sacked on Nov 2nd/3rd

    November form:

    played 7

    Won 7

    5th Nov, players so negatively affected in the immediate aftermath of Scott leaving we smacked Stockport 5 nil away.

    December form:

    played 7 won 3

    lost 2 (Swindon EFL trophy and Charlton)

    drew 3 (Bolton, Exeter, Reading)

    January Form

    Played 6

    won 3

    lost 1 (Huddersfield)

    Drew 2 (Blackpool and Northampton)

    Those November stats don’t really bear out us being on the slide “since he left” - not results wise maybe.

    What did happen was all the articles and records the team were setting might just have caught the attention of other teams that we needed to be taken more seriously, were a serious threat and that we were up there on merit and teams needed to stop us playing.

    You know, like we used to do very well under Ainsworth.

    Incidentally , the months before November we played 7, 5 and 5 games a month respectfully. There’s been more football played post Mitchell leaving than pre.

    I’d say the sports science fires might have had more effect on player turn around than is given credit.

    That December/Jan run also had 6 games in 15 days with players looking very leggy near the end of it.

    But sure, since Matt’s hire was sacked it all went down hill.

  • Careful mate, you'll be banned soon for this level of thinking.

  • edited January 26

    The stats for December don’t quite add up and I’m not sure what “…Matt’s hire was sacked…” means but, apart from that, a very interesting post.

    PS I don’t know what sports science fires are either.

  • “Matt’s hire” was in reference to “Rice started sacking Blooms’ hires” which transpires to just mean Scott Mitchell because apparently the sports science people didn’t/don’t count.

    Re: December stats - you’re correct. It was two wins - Stevenage and Shrewsbury. Seemingly an early morning typo/mathematics FUBAR.

  • You won't like it, it's US HR terminology creeping in, New Starters referred to as New Hires.

  • No explanation yet of what “sports science fires” are.

  • I thought Bradley did a really good job marking Eaves. MOTM for me

  • edited January 26

    Sport science hires. The people hired to do the sport science aspects within the club. The science of sporting activities, injury and the recovery there of.

    Again, a small typo. Don’t know if you have noticed, I do it a lot.

    (fun fact: people with dyslexia aren’t lazy. Their brains literally can’t tell when typos like that are made. Their brains KNOW what it’s meant to say so to the writer it makes perfect sense no matter how many times it is re-read and retyped. Same with grammar.

    Sometimes they have to come back hours, or the next day and re-read before their brains reset and can read what is actually written and realise it’s bollox)

  • Eaves definitely left his mark in Joe Low.

  • I do remember you mentioning your dyslexia quite a long time ago @TheDancingYak but I’m afraid it slipped my mind. Sorry.

    But FUBAR?

  • Fubar is a military acronym like Snafu. F’d Up Beyond All Recognition.

    (“Situation Normal: All F’d Up” for Snafu btw)

  • Harvie was holding his hamstring about 5 minutes before half time, like he may have tweaked it or over extended when he put a cross in on the stretch.

    Played on til half time but as mentioned looks like took precaution at half time.

  • Cheers for the clarification. Hamstrings are always worries, hopefully he is OK.

  • My first impression of that incident was that Eaves had his elbow dangerously high and should have been at least yellow carded by an otherwise competent referee.

  • That was mine as well but then I spoke to someone who hadn't been at the game but had watched on tv and they said it wasn't his arm/elbow that made contact, more just an accidental collision

    At the game, I was certain he'd gone in with a leading arm and smashed him

    What did you make of their disallowed goal Alan?

  • ps. at the time I was calling for a red card for Eaves let alone a yellow

  • Agree about Bradley’s performance, a good old fashioned battle with Eaves in which our man came out on top. Noticeable that Eaves was switched to go up against Low in the second half. Of all the recent new arrivals Bradley has attracted the least attention but I think he’s been excellent in every game.

  • MOTM a few times on here @glasshalffull the Gasroom knows quality. I thought it was a good goal but then assumed I was wrong given the yellow card (which I did not know was for handball until after the game). I think both Joe and Eaves were lucky to stay was like a bit of 1970s wrestling out there.

  • Was the booking for handball? I assumed at the time it was for dissent

    I need to watch it again. Sounds like I might have missed a handball

  • I might have read that on here to be fair or just made it up. I didn't see anything wrong with the goal.

  • Ref told Kevin Nolan it was disallowed for handball apparently. Like you and me Kevin Nolan did not see it

  • I didn't see anything wrong with the goal. My thoughts were that the referee disallowed the goal because he realised he'd made a mistake in awarding the corner it was scored from, trying to right a wrong. The ball never went out of play and I think the sustained level of the fans close to the incident telling him so made him aware that was actually the case.

    Having blown his whistle and awarded the corner, I guess his options to correct the error would more appropriately have been either to award Wycombe a free kick for a foul on Low (it wasn't, he just went to ground in the hope of getting that decision), award a free kick to Northampton for Low's play acting and laying on the ball (obstruction? does that even exist as an offence these days?) or admit he'd made a mistake and have a contested drop ball. As it was, it seems he thought he could save face by going ahead with the corner and hoping it wouldn't result in a goal.

  • I watched it back. Does indeed look like a handball. The player who scored sort of jumped at it sideways and it looks like it went in off his upper arm/tricep area

    Great spot from the ref

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