Collectively our performance was - wait for it - cobblers. Well I had to.
Just the two correct result predictions - well done @silverfox and @ShitcagoWWFC - and even they got the score wrong. So nothing much really happened this week. On to Tuesday.
Welcome @Beechrdswan, I'll add you to the table after three predictions.
Wycombe 2 Northampton 2
Wycombe 0 - 2 Northampton
Wycombe 2 - 0 Northampton
Wycombe 2 Northampton 0
Wycombe 1 Northampton 0. But I do hope dad gets it right :)
Collectively our performance was - wait for it - cobblers. Well I had to.
Just the two correct result predictions - well done @silverfox and @ShitcagoWWFC - and even they got the score wrong. So nothing much really happened this week. On to Tuesday.
Welcome @Beechrdswan, I'll add you to the table after three predictions.
Wycombe 2-0 Barnsley
Wycombe 1 Barnsley 0
Wycombe 0 Barnsley 1
Wycombe 1 Barnsley 0