7878 with 587 away
I am just setting off - as it now stands with 32 predictions;
Average for the Total Crowd: 7805
Average for Away Crowd: 601
7,788 with 589 Chairboys.
Hope you’ve donned the thermals, @railwaysteve. “Feels like zero Celsius” but feels even colder if sitting outdoors.
Saving grace - only a very gentle breeze.
Sam Grace to maintain the 30 year unbeaten record at Field Mill.
7463 with 543 Chairboys
7470 with 550 Chairboys
7459 given at the game with I think 557 away.
7878 with 587 away
I am just setting off - as it now stands with 32 predictions;
Average for the Total Crowd: 7805
Average for Away Crowd: 601
7,788 with 589 Chairboys.
Hope you’ve donned the thermals, @railwaysteve. “Feels like zero Celsius” but feels even colder if sitting outdoors.
Saving grace - only a very gentle breeze.
Sam Grace to maintain the 30 year unbeaten record at Field Mill.
7463 with 543 Chairboys
7470 with 550 Chairboys
7459 given at the game with I think 557 away.