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Matt Bloomfield to Luton?



  • edited January 14

    Interesting that everyone assumes he was "pushed" out of the club. It was widely reported that he had a release clause in his contract and Luton met that. It was MB's decision to go and the club said they were disappointed he left midseason. How is this different than the Couhig's stating they would never stand in the way of anyone wishing to move on?

    Appreciate that a disconnect has occured between MB and the Directors, but how is this a reason to jump on Dan Rice's back all of a sudden? He and the owners have delivered on everything they have promised to date. They are putting their money where their mouth is. It could just as easily be that MB's best mate has been sacked and he has thrown his toys out of the pram. No one knows the full story and probably never will.

    He has gone and we have to accept it for better or for worse. As far as I can see, a new manager who is on the same page as ownership can only be a good thing in the long term.

  • The theory seems to include the below

    Super low reported release clause, 100k

    Rumblings from the likes of Bloomfield's brother and Ice Cream boy

    Not buying Morley but suddenly lashing loads on randoms

    A story breaking that suggested we were "happy" for him to talk to other clubs

    The idea that the new ownership had their choice of manager "lined up" from day 1.

    That last one will quickly be proven / disproven by how quick we deal with this appointment.

  • Agree with all of that @Shev my only disappointment is I think Blooms did not take us as far as he could have...which may be one of our 'might have beens' in the future. Good luck to him. Most certainly so.

  • I recently deleted my FB account (I'm hoping Zuckerberg doesn't own the Gasroom as well) so I'm glad I'm no longer in a position to 'have a look' at their take!

  • Just want an owner to fix the leaky roof and put some hot water in the terrace toilets

  • Everyone handles change in different ways. But to your point, a few of us do know people very well connected with the club. And that’s not a brag, it’s just a simple reality of Wycombe being a small footballing outpost and incredibly parochial. Would I compromise my own sources? Absolutely not. And if everyone knew every little detail of what’s happened at WWFC in the last 20-god knows how many years, there would be some very interesting threads and possibly a few cases to answer! That’s life.

    FWIW I’m not sure chants at the hierarchy would be helpful but people like to vent.

  • edited January 14

    Everyone is welcome to see Dan Rice however they want. If you prefer to see him tearfully chasing Blooms down the street waving a fat contract at him after Bloomfield "betrayed his club of 20+ years", be my guest.

    If others know things that make them see him differently, trying to police their viewpoint is going to be an exercise in futility.

  • The latter isn't really true.

    Bloomfield had been top of betting odds for a number of jobs and it is rumoured had spoken to at least one.

    Any competent management team would have worked on contingency plans just in case.

    Good luck to MB who had a great 2024 and has reaped the reward of a bigger job on presumably a bigger salary.

    Good luck to to whoever takes our job. Could be a great opportunity for him.

  • Our U23 Development Program (RR23) is a new initiative where we hope to help a small number of deserving athletes become the best competitors they can be.

    Ok, it's from a cycling website but WAKE UP, SHEEPLE

  • Any competent management team would have worked on contingency plans just in case.

    This is the bit we hope is true @DevC

  • I entirely agree! Seeing Blooms take us into pastures new would have been so fulfilling. I hope he achieves great things, as that would soften the blow a little bit (if for instance, he made it to the PL) if he went to places we were always unlikely to get to.

  • Don't think the owners need to worry much about chanting from Wycombe fans. Unless some sort of aggressive message can be worked into "Chairboys Barmy Army" there is no hope of more than 10 people singing it.

  • Just rewatched Matt’s interview after the Portsmouth match. Never never saw this coming. Very sad day and unbelievable timing.

  • If we appoint Sarina Wiegman I’m back on team Rice

  • Shades of Gareth beating Bolton - crest of a wave - everyone strode home happy.

    Then him leaving broke from nowhere.

    Let's just hope it doesn't take us a year to get back on track this time and the season doesn't completely slip. We have a lot more of a margin for error at least.

  • I suspect there will be a percentage of Gasroomers grumbling under their breath, a percentage of Facebookers standing by the drummer swearing about Judases, a percentage of easily-led near them who have no idea what they are swearing about but join in, a percentage saying 'Where's Bloomfield today, is he ill?' and a percentage who don't actually give a toss who the manager is.

    1. The release clause was set in the contract given to him by the Couhigs. I imagine during that run paticular run of form £100k felt optimistic.
    2. From what I had seen the comments from the brother and AH were around transfers and departure of Scott Mitchell. Bloomfield's pal. We dont know what happened, but nothing suggests that the Directors or, specifically Dan Rice did anything wrong here. With the money being spent, it's understandable they want a level of control over recruitment.
    3. We don't know the fee commanded by Bolton for Morley. Why should we be held to ransom when they seemingly have numerous other options who could easily be superior.
    4. That particular story was the one reporting the release clause. If a release clause is met we can't do an awful lot to stop it. As per the original post, there appears to be a falling out but we are jumping to conclusions on the reasons why.

    If you believe earlier reports, MB had already entertained talks with Coventry and Milwall. That doesn't translate to confidence from the owners.

  • I do remember one facebook guy adamant it doesn't really matter who the manager is at any given time.

  • Food for thought. Luton Town FC have behaved (at least by the publicly available information) with considerably more class over this ‘transfer’ than Wycombe Wanderers FC.

    That is probably the most depressing sentence I have ever had to write.

  • Picture announcing GA leaving v picture announcing Blooms leaving.

  • Matt Bloomfield will be among the guests at a BBC3R live phone-in between 1800 and 1900 tonight. Link:

  • Ringing the Blues on Wycombe Sound 7pm-8pm

  • edited January 14

    Slightly different circumstances (not least the length of tenure), but ok. I seem to remember Blooms got a very celebratory send-off the first time he left Wycombe?

  • Should have been a corner flag if we're being picky

  • Will there be a @bluntphil exit interview?

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