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Aaron Morley



  • LX1LX1
    edited December 2024

    See you in court @bargepole. I'm sure Phil will provide your name and address. Silly move boasting that you have 'friends' wasn't it? 😂

  • Dr congo as administrator of this board will also be required to provide your personal information to the court. But you know that already don't you?

  • Drug fuelled netherworld! Genuine LOL

    That has to be your funniest ever post bargey

  • edited December 2024

    Anonymous poster insults another anonymous poster on football forum.

    The courts will love that.

    'Mr LX1 and Mr bargepole will be representing themselves, M'lud...'

  • Until reading the later part of this thread I have never viewed up/down thumb as anything more than a shorthand for 'I agree/disagree'.

    Clearly I must review that stance. If I have ever given a down thumb to anybody and they have been offended, then please accept my apology, no ill feeling was intended.

    As to the original subject of this thread. I have always found the term 'season long loan' baffling and irritating. In reality the loan is only'season long' if nobody finds a reason/excuse to treat it otherwise. Unless all parties involved are prepared to honour the agreed length of the loan period then I see no point in calling it a season long loan.

  • edited December 2024

    I too generally viewed it as agree/disagree and nothing more except when

    a) people were downvoting @micra - I went out of my way to upvote his posts whether I agreed or not as I didn't see that the "joke" was funny & feel that he is one of the "treasures" of the gasroom

    b) @trevor & his bunch of sock accounts were posting nothing but negativity no matter how we did on the field & I just habitually gave him downvotes.

    I, like @bargepole, am unbothered by the up/down thumbs I receive, though I do try to be temperate with my comments - "never too high, never too low" eh?

  • As for young Morley, ML should be digging down the back of the proverbial sofa & raiding the kids piggy bank to scrape together the fee and buy him on Jan 1st

  • Ian Evatt has been given the dreaded vote of confidence by the board today. Though I'm not sure I've ever seen one quite as long as this? On the basis of this statement, I'm not sure there's any chance of him being given the boot any time soon @FarmerCee

  • About time they dished it back to their fans who seem to think they have a divine right to challenge the top two - the online posters of theirs anyway, excluding @FarmerCee.

    I don’t think their budget is as large as some of the other members of the top six. I think they’ll get top six and I think that should represent a good season for them - top six would represent arguably a slightly better season for us. It’s outstanding that we’re currently competing at the top, but there’s a long way to go.

    I think this means we have a very high chance of keeping Morley in January. Evatt staying surely rules him out from a return to Bolton in a few weeks. Ironically, keeping Morley at Wycombe could support Bolton’s promotion cause - it’s better to chase Wrexham in third and support Wycombe’s automatic hopes, rather than take Morley back and compete against Wrexham and Wycombe for a playoff place.

  • edited December 2024

    There was a period, especially before @drcongo made clear that thumbers were readily identifiable, when I was regularly receiving a significant number of downvotes for what I like to think were reasonably balanced and uncontroversial comments. I suspect that at least 20% of my downvotes were attributable to that cohort.

    Significantly, my negative votes stayed at 2.5k for nearly a year before creeping up last week to 2.6k.

    I was completely unaware at the time that @Erroll_Sims was going out of his way to try to restore a degree of balance. I appreciate that of course and I’m also very flattered to be described as one of the “treasures” of the gasroom.

    I thank everyone who has chipped in on this topic. It’s gratifying to know that, on balance, there has been a favourable reaction to the suggestion that something similar to the Facebook “like” system might be worth considering . “Likers” on Facebook can be identified by their actual names which of course would not be the case on here.

    Absolutely. And apologies for the intrusion of the thumb business.

  • Here’s hoping for a Trevor Stroud style announcement in a few weeks.

    Tweet 1: ”Morley has been recalled from his loan. We wish him well…”


  • I was also getting downvotes for everything...even my score predictions!. Which I made the mistake of responding to. Now, though I sometimes break my own rules for light joshing, I try to just state my opinion and not get 'into it'.

    @micra if you're not a treasure you are a valued stalwart...if I have used that word correctly.

  • It’s no secret that I would describe you as a gasroom treasure. Stalwart carries undertones of durability. I think that cap fits me. (I’m too tired to look it up but I seem to recall that it was a term applied to journeyman footballers, whoever they are.)

  • Never checked my thumbs ratio. Better go and have a look I suppose.

    I’ve always used them as a shorthand for when I’ve got nothing to add (thumbs up) and for when I think the post is nonsense (thumbs down) but don’t have the time or inclination to say any more.

    In the early days ThumbsGate I genuinely thought @micra was fishing for downvotes for a laugh, so I certainly added a few to the tally, for which I apologise.

  • edited December 2024

    Oh. 2.7k likes, 166 dislikes.

    Obviously a bit vanilla.

  • As a rule of thumbs: if you've got between 1 and 4 down thumbs, it's probably the usual nincompoops or simply that a few people maybe disagree with you. If you've got 5 or more down thumbs, you've probably said something worth reflecting on. More than 10, you're probably bargepole.

    Taking them out is a risk as they definitely improve the quality of the discourse. Before we had them there were a lot of posts that just said "Agreed"' or similar. If you went to the pub with 200 mates for a chat about football, you wouldn't expect every single one of them to agree with everything you say, so it seems odd to expect that out of that 200 odd regular posters on a forum none of them should ever disagree with anything you say.

    I just had a scan through my disliked posts and it seems I really collected a lot whenever I criticised lone target-man strikers who refuse to stay up top (Kane and last two seasons' Vokes). It's fine. I don't expect everyone to agree with everything I say.

  • edited December 2024

    I'm sure someone once got close to 40 thumbs down on the same post, and it wasn't bargey.

  • Apologies, I was probably about 99% of your downvotes for Vokes.

  • You were forgiven for that mad week of crazy posts you had though, wasn't held against you.

  • Mine are mainly when I disagree with Alan Parry (presumably Malone and Malone's burner accounts) and when I've called people bedwetters for completely wetting the bed over something or other

  • haha, top work

  • The good news is that if there are 20 people in a room, only one dislikes you!

  • I also enjoyed the unveiling of Dominic Gape on a permanent deal in the Caledonian Suite. Followed by me searching for ‘gape’ on Twitter to see reaction, swiftly followed by me deleting any search history and images in relation to my search. 👀

  • As a rule if something makes me laugh out loud I upvote. Rare I downvote.

  • LX1 and Bargepole at a future meet.

  • I shall never play the Dane.

  • I'm not sure. They have lost in the play-offs in each of the last two seasons, including a loss in the final. I think they would see anything less than promotion as failure, and given the last two seasons, are probably desperate to avoid the play-offs again. Barnsley probably thinking along similar lines as well.

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