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Possible prediction thread (gaging interest)

With some of the top scorer talk, I was thinking about a prediction thread along the following lines.

  1. Everyone guesses top five scorers come end of season, together with goal totals. Not sure about whether all comps or just league, though.
  2. You get a certain amount of points for getting any players correctly in the top five, then another amount of points for getting them in the correct spot.
  3. You get awarded points for how close to the goal totals of each player on your list you get. Getting an exact match would entail a bonus.

Obviously this would not be a week by week thing, just a one-time check at the end of the season to see who gained the most points.

Would there be any takers if I ran the spreadsheet?


  • Kone.

  • But actually, that would massively depend on minutes played. Maybe goals per-minute?

  • Kone


    Kone X

    Kone Zero

    Evil Kone

  • I don't think I'm going to win this competition

  • Yeah, it's a tough one to get right - injuries could derail a promising season, etc. Goals per 90 could make the most sense, though the problem for me is I don't naturally know the spectrum of a good ratio for that, so it is a little less instinctive to guess.

    There could be a substitute rule where if one of the players in any given top five is out injured for more than x number of games in a row, the total for that player reverts to a goals per 90 x average number of minutes played for the squad, or something? Or, the worst of the five guesses is just dropped altogether and it is the best four guesses which count?

  • If the Euros are anything to go by.

    "Own Goal" isn't a bad shot...

  • edited July 2024

    Have you done enough gauging yet @Shev ?!

  • Probably, and it's not looking good. I held my finger in the air to see which way the wind was blowing, and it immediately stopped blowing altogether!

  • Not many people answering your question, here, @Shev . I'd have a go - thanks,

  • I'd happily give it a shot if you could be arsed to set up the format

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