Frank Adams. I would love to tell him how much I appreciate his legacy. The Pat Nevin votes are a very good shout, I am sure you have all read his autobiography, a damn fine read. Another one for me should be John Maskell, but I have met and spoken to him at length. They say you shouldn't meet your heroes. Lucky for me in my case they were very wrong.
Forest have signed a goalkeeper, Carlos Miguel, who is 6 foot 8.
If the lift is stuck maybe he would be a good choice to open the little door in the lift's roof and help me escape. If lifts have little doors in them I haven't really researched this.
I mean, sitting there chatting to Pat Nevin about The Stockholm Monsters sounds a nice way to pass the time but it's not how I want to die.
I've changed my mind, it would be Martin O'Neill so I could pitch him on my Netflix series idea "Martin O'Neill Investigates" in which the great man tries to solve cold case murders.
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As long as it’s a decent size lift, Bayo
Pat Nevin
Was just going to say Pat Nevin. Hours of merry chat about Cocteau Twins, Joy Divsion and Grab Grab the Haddock.
Alisha Lehman
Frank Adams. I would love to tell him how much I appreciate his legacy. The Pat Nevin votes are a very good shout, I am sure you have all read his autobiography, a damn fine read. Another one for me should be John Maskell, but I have met and spoken to him at length. They say you shouldn't meet your heroes. Lucky for me in my case they were very wrong.
Neville Southall
Harry Kane - I would drift off into a deep meditative state instantly until the lift is fixed and I can get on with my life
Alex Scott
I’d have Wheels with me as he could explain to me again about green mortgages as he lost me last time
In a parallel universe...
Duncan Edwards, aged 87. So he could tell me how he and the other Busby Babes dominated English football throughout the 1960s.
I met Josh Parker at a corporate 5s football tournament a few weeks ago. Hope this helps.
Forest have signed a goalkeeper, Carlos Miguel, who is 6 foot 8.
If the lift is stuck maybe he would be a good choice to open the little door in the lift's roof and help me escape. If lifts have little doors in them I haven't really researched this.
I mean, sitting there chatting to Pat Nevin about The Stockholm Monsters sounds a nice way to pass the time but it's not how I want to die.
I've changed my mind, it would be Martin O'Neill so I could pitch him on my Netflix series idea "Martin O'Neill Investigates" in which the great man tries to solve cold case murders.
I remember him saying he was really into the JFK assassination, so he'd probably be well up for that.
Oh come on, once you got onto comparing Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle bootlegs, the hours would fly by.
Plus Nevin is quite small so wouldn't need much of the Kendal mint cake you kept on your person for such an eventuality.
I was bemused. So I had a google.
It could be just what I’m looking for.
He does actually investigate cold cases as a hobby.