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Reading offer Bearwood training ground to Wycombe



  • You'd hope it's the latter but will have been some costs, especially if the rumour we started looking at it back in November are true.

  • edited March 2024

    Every cloud has a silver lining. I'm not sure we should ever have been taking this project on, where is the money coming from. I'm not embarrassed by this, just relieved.

    We are going to just end up where Reading are now if we are not careful.

    This could all be an elaborate ruse to get the new or old Marlow Training ground going again OR to get someone to hurry up and buy Reading. Who knows, perhaps we will be training at Bearwood renting from Reading in the future, should planning permission get updated.

  • Little Wycombe owned by a hotshot US lawyer, one of whom's stated specialities is:- Acquisition, Development, Use and Disposition of Real Estate.....

  • Club was forced into making a statement before DD was done. DD has ultimately put an end to the deal. Seems pretty mundane to me. The club's original statement only said that they "hope that if a transaction completes...", so they were clearly aware that this was a possible outcome.

  • I'm with @Commoner in the 'silver lining' interpretation and just relieved that it (well this little tangent anyway) appears to be all over.

    I can live with any embarrassment for the parties involved and can easily cope with us being seen as 'amateurs' off the pitch. Far better than the vultures some were portraying us as (although I really did like the redesigned crest).

    More importantly, this is another of those occasionally classic and highly entertaining hyperbolic Gasroom threads (probably the best since Nathan(?) Bishop) that need to be preserved in amber for future generations of Gasroomers to marvel about.

    Good work all.

    And yes, I know at some stage we are going to have to deal with all that crap we've just swept under the carpet - but hey - its a bright, sunny, warm spring day, so it can wait.

  • From most hated club in the football leagues to the most laughable in less than seven days. Excellent work.

    Still, at least we didn’t buy it and then discover we couldn’t use it. Let’s hope costs were minimal in this shit show.

    i have a question for Rob and his new BFF - “Would they like to help me buy a bridge in Brooklyn?”

    Oh and if this was some wizard wheeze to sort something out with Beeks et al at Marlow then that’s just as bad. Don’t drag the club through the mud trying to be clever.

  • For anyone to say this isn’t embarrassing is crazy. We will come out of this with nothing and have probably signalled to Beeks and his two mates that they can now hike the rent on our existing training ground.

    Time for everyone to realise we are Wycombe Wanderers and situated in High Wycombe a market town in Bucks. We punch above our weight in league one and that satisfies me for one.

    I love the club as it is and I have supported the Chairboys long enough to understand that our core home supporter base is circa 4,000 and maybe push to 5,000 if we are doing extremely well on the pitch. What is wrong with that?

    If we can operate a near sustainable model and stay at this level then great, stuff the Premier League.

  • Glad it’s over frankly. Good luck Reading (but not really.)

  • edited March 2024

  • Mr Couhig atm

  • Embarrassing though all this is, my feeling is one of pure relief! It didn't have the look of something that was going to end well for us.

  • edited March 2024

  • I think you need to take care @flymofrank such people are quick to press the defamation legal button.

  • edited March 2024

    If Robby C does another of his little Q n A sessions he'll not only have to hide it in a midweeker like usual but make it a CheckaBristoltrademotorpizzaLDV game too.

    That way the only questions will be from the 50 die hard obsessives who'll ask stuff like "how do you remain so authoritative yet so very approachable"

  • Adding my "relief" to the others up above. If there is any embarrassment, it should belong to the Couhigs, not us. Also, there is still the hilarious prospect of Reading not paying their players on time and getting another deduction after their fans have been so self righteous.

  • Can’t we just tell Beeks and co to stick their Marlow Road training ground where the sun don’t shine, and go and train at Bisham Abbey instead.

  • On a positive note, the gasroomers who love a moan can fill their boots now the on pitch action looks on the right path again.

  • Self righteous sums up Reading fans superbly.

  • Don’t worry, our resident legal eagle will be able to advise you. And if it does all go wrong, I’m told that Reading Gaol is a lot nicer than in Oscar’s day, and now the training ground debacle is over, the screws won’t be shitting in your gruel.

  • Don't worry, no-one knows who you are in real life.

    Not like that returntosenda guy he was well known

  • Don't worry, relaying vague info from another party doesn't class as defamation even in our ridiculous legal system.

  • I hope so for your sake.

    Otherwise we might see a classic BFP headline.

    "Gasroom goon gets gubbed"

  • edited March 2024

    Just had a check of Twitter and Reading fans are back to laughing at us as a "small club". Stadium size: the last refuge of the poorly run. It's like an ex-millionaire in a foreclosed mansion laughing at a diligent employee in a small flat that they actually pay the bills on.

    "Haha - look at that hilariously small club who just beat us 2-1 at home and are above us in the league!"

  • edited March 2024

    They can laugh all they want from lower down the table than such a small club.

    And consider their utter mess of a set up.

  • They are quickly becoming the new Col U.

  • I just heard that the takeover has fallen through anyway, after righteous Reading fans protested Saudi ownership by putting stickers on oil tankers.

  • As if the BFP are capable of such a creative headline

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