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Reading offer Bearwood training ground to Wycombe



  • We all know where the money's coming from, but WWFC's name is being used to cover the identity of the actual parties of a quite frankly sordid speculative property deal no football club should ever want to be associated with.

    The Trust's silence complying/acquiescing with this is shameful.

  • The Trust board probably know as much as we do, so give them a break.

  • Newcastle seriously considered basing their training facilities in the South East. Logical: more attractive to international talent (& wags), better travel links (domestic and European) etc. Just one thing, the illogical passion of the fan base and the power of the brand in the local economy. Of course it couldn’t happen, not yet anyway.

    Unless you live and breath the fabric of the society in which you operate such vital elements are easily undervalued or even missed by owners, Be they Saudi, Georgian or Yanks. Not sure any of our owners (current or future) truly get that and the need to take fans with them on their ‘visionary journey’, however, in our case there is a ‘but’

    Regrettably they don’t need our tacit approval, as unlike the Toon Army we have no skin in the game (economic power). We have to wake up to the facts. It’s their ball and we play their game to their rules.

    My concern is are we going to be Bournemouth / Brighton (which appears to be the model the Bearwood purchase signposts) or are we Rushden / Gretna or dare I say it Reading in waiting?

    One thing for sure we are no longer a community club nestling in the folds of the Chilterns and anyone who takes this position as the start point of their analysis of the situation is only kidding themselves.

  • Great post. I agree particularly with your final note. I am reminded of the waining community spirit at Wycombe each time I visit Chesham United. They get all the basics right along with some Taskmaster Alex Horne bonus community points. We get none of the basics right at Wycombe.

  • On a cloud somewhere:

    Ex-footballer - " Look down there Gabriel. Someone is offering the Chairboys a gift"

    Gabriel - "Yes, Frank. Just like you did"

  • Sorry, can you explain the last line? Surely greater investment allows for greater work in the community by a football club?

  • I suspect Luton would have more respect for other clubs in dire financial trouble and wouldn't want to pick over a dying carcass.

  • Our safety will be at risk? What are Reading fans going to do? Pelt us with biscuits?

  • Luton didn’t show much respect for other clubs when they bought two Reading players for a pittance in January.

  • One more scenario to ponder, however unlikely.

    The Bearwood deal collapses. It's owner sells to another club (Luton, Newcastle, who knows) or mothballs it hoping to get planning permission for housing at a future date.

    Reading find a new moneybags saviour, who owns the club and the stadium but no training ground.

    What happens then? Could Ivor Beeks et al, in a fit of pique after finding out about our plans to move to Bearwood, turf us out of Marlow Road and let Reading move in?

  • In Bearwood Park by Reading town

      There is an act of shame,

    Caused by a wretched man

      Eaten by greed and fame,

    An angry winding-sheet outside,

      And the buyer has got no name.

    (The Ballad of Reading's Wails by Oscar Furious)

  • If all this were happening on April 1st it would make some sense.

  • What with all the attention and gathering pace, surely the right thing to do is come out and speak on it.

    The statement is all well and good, but they need to do something (and soon) what with all the speculation, accusations and what-not coming out from all the online experts.

    If theres nothing wrong with what we';re doing, come out and say so, if you dont, every passing day adds fuel to the fire, its been just over 24 hours and we've got protests, banners, death threats, tennis balls and more.

  • edited March 2024
    • we are 90% owned by foreign investors
    • who are looking to leverage value of the asset on to an other foreign business
    • we operate in a highly geared financial market
    • we look to expand our fan universe via virtual media
    • we look to monetise the ‘brand’ via on line merch sales
    • etc etc

    For good or bad none of those potential ‘big wins’ as the ownership sees it has to do with local activity. Hence why leaking roofs, poor ground access, dilapidated loos, disappointing food / drink offerings, poor school engagement, no in town activity, negligible foundation funding etc are paid lip service rather than invested in.

  • @TheAndyGrahamFanClub sounds like it's only going to cost us 10 that's okay then.

  • Another scenario even more unlikely. Yongge is telling the truth and needs to sell Bearwood in order to fund the club for the remainder of the season. We pull out of the deal at the last minute due to the widespread public outrage. Reading then go bust and Yongge blames us for him being unable to meet the running costs of the club. What would be the Reading fans reaction to that scenario?

    @Malone I think that's outdone my earlier scenario!

  • I just wonder what Gareth Ainsworth is making of this all. It doesn't seem that long ago when every £25/10 would actually have made a difference.

  • edited March 2024

    Imagine the ire.

    It'd instantly turn from us wrecking their club by buying their training ground, to us wrecking their club by not buying it!

  • He benefitted from the big budget increase that allowed us to move from staying up / mid table to being a promotion contender.

    It's to be seen whether this land purchase is a rich man's plaything or is some first piece in the puzzle to us becoming a world renowned global megaclub.

  • I understand there are elements in our society...some of whom claim to support football clubs...who like to be given a reason, however tenuous, for punching horses and fighting with someone who looks at them, their dog, or the badge they are kissing a bit funny.

    I've seen it on the news.

  • Probably thinking about how he'll be able to pop in for a cuppa at the new training ground!

  • Having scoured social media, it would appear as follows.

    Dai Yongge has on two previous occasions in China and Belgium bought clubs to put them into admin. in double quick time.

    Allegedly, he failed EFL Fit and Proper test when he wanted to buy Hull City but was waived through to purchase Reading.

    Hope we're not fronting the purchase of Reading's training ground only for The Georgians/ Kazakhs/Russians to decide they fancy Reading's set-up more than ours.

    All this does is highlight the need for BETTER corporate governance.

    The optics of club with £7m turnover now linked with a purchase of a £50m facility off Reading for £25m will lead to further scrutiny over the EFL Fit and Proper test for Lomtadze/Kim which ain't good for the club.

    Mr. Lomtadze has first charge over a club with no training ground and inaccessible stadium which requires money spent.

    Our attendances are declining while our wages up with events. No more 'sustainable' than before.

    And soon to be homeless Oxford are in the mix somewhere.

    We lost our training ground and nobody batted an eyelid so I understand how Reading fans must feel.

    Planet Football.

  • Can someone please start the Northampton (H) thread before we all go completely crazy!

  • Hang on, didn't Couhig say Lomtadze to Wycombe was a formality or am I making that up? I thought it was just going through legal.

  • I don’t understand why everyone keeps saying £25m

  • From what I can remember, he all but said that. I think he mentioned the resignations of Missy and Pete Couhig as formalities in that process. From what we can tell, this has been stalled.

  • Re: Lomtadze taking over Reading - he's either inadvertently or advertently put himself in pole position to take over Reading.

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