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Rumour Mill



  • 11 more signings ??

  • Article says 5 for the first team squad and 6 for development. Would be brilliant to find our next Anis or Forino!

  • edited July 2023

    One of the few clubs where the only upcoming court case is on the fan forum.

  • I think the good Doctor needs to arrange a Family Dispute Resolution in an attempt to avoid the case eventually ending up in the Supreme Court!

  • I really hope we don’t lose @ChasHarps as his input to the gasroom as been excellent over a number of years. Yes we can all have difficult days but it would be sad to see him leave over this little squabble.

    On that note can we move past this spat and get back to rumour mill discussions please?

  • Would 5 more first team signings not take us over the squad limit?

  • Sounds a bit hopeful but If we were to buy 5 more for the first team (not just to make up the 1st team squad) that would definitely push some to the sidelines so you'd expect some to leave. Technically it'll depend on their ages too.

  • Even if some are for development squad would indicate someone is going to be sold to fund that , forino ? Hope not but a good chance I would suggest .

  • It would be safe to assume that one will be a goalkeeper

  • edited July 2023

    How many first team squad have we lost since the start of last season?

    Mawson/Willis , Horgan, Wing, Freeman, Obita, Gape, Thompson, AAH, Wakely, ...

    I'd say adding up to 10 players - plus a keeper - is about right on balance.

    With possibly that many coming in it wouldn't be a surprise if at least 1 or 2 don't work out too.

    It's could be a difficult start if things don't click early, but equally it could very exciting if they do.

  • I'd imagine Woodhouse, Pattendon, Mellor, possibly Ward, possibly de Barr may head out on loan too

  • By my calculations it would not push anyone to the side lines. We still have five senior outfield slots to fill.

  • I hope not for De Barr, feel like that would be a backwards step for him. I think the others all will though, especially once we’re out the pizza cup.

  • I'm sure he won't disappear. He's been reading the posts today, if not actually posting. And there won't be any legal action, I think the point has been made.

    Getting back to the football, if we can get to a full squad of 22 + GKs and U21s, does that not give Matt the flexibility to rotate the starting XI a bit, rather than rely on the same line up for every game?

  • It's up to Mellor, Young, Pattenden and Ward to push for places in the squad - depends who else arrives.

    Woodhouse, Skura & Makoli I expect to see go out in loan.

    DeBarr will be disappointed not to be in the squad.

  • edited July 2023

    Don't forget Mehmeti & KaiKai.

    Between Anis and Wing a lot of our goals have left the building (18 goals last season - 9 each).

  • I’d have to agree. If the players in the first paragraph aren’t trusted to be involved in the first team squad then their time must be coming to an end.

  • 11 more signings with 5 being in the first team squad!?

    Striker / attacking mid / Scowen-esque defensive player backup.

    Anything else needed?

    Also we need to see how the current signings are intended to be used.

  • I knew I'd forgotten someone 🤣 ...

    When was the last time we saw such a change in personnel over 12 months? Illustrates the stability that keeping the same manager so long had bought to the squad.

  • Hang on a minute. Are we seriously believing stuff written in the BFP now?

  • edited July 2023

    And I hope you have the decency to have apologised to them. In private if not publicly in here.

  • edited July 2023

    I have enjoyed Bargey but I do think the legal thing massively crossed the line. However, I am amazed Chas gets a pass from so many. Maybe it is because he directed his faux working class hero bile at me fairly recently, but he has a long history of insulting people who he thinks may like rugby or wear chinos. Chas literally called Bargey vermin.

    The ideal is that they shake on it and move on, but that requires some fairness on both sides.

  • edited July 2023

    You're a poster I think is very well liked, and very fair, so it being you saying this, definitely makes me think things over.

    I don't know Chas, but I've always found him reasonable when I've had a little dig here and there regarding his Dev vendetta, or some of his more extreme rugby and working class type comments. Some of that should probably be reigned in a bit.

    But on the other hand we have a poster who seems to relish the aggravation factor he's caused for no apparent reason. And must have the highest percentage of dislikes v likes outside of the 100% obvious WUMS like "wycombeboy99" and the 20 odd incarnations.

    A 20 year poster, or a guy who has shown up within the last few months? A guy who has clearly picked his name based on the "wouldn't touch him with a bargepole" persona.

    But does it have to be a choice?,

    There's plenty of room to avoid the posters we find pretty intolerable, putting them on "ignore" if needs be.

    In a forum sense of the word, where non important stuff can warp to totally hyped up levels of importance!

  • edited July 2023

    I have to apologize to Chas for that second part. I realized I was being way too harsh and edited it out, but not before the dreaded quote. I realized it was hypocritical to call anyone a keyboard warrior while...sitting behind a keyboard, and the whole tone was way too demeaning and personal, which again is hypocritical given the subject at hand.

    So Chas, if you are reading, I do apologize for that, even if I do take issue with some of the insults.

  • Haha sorry pal, the too quick follow up post, and then edit.

    Then you see some nobber has quoted it, and don't know whether to re-edit your original in or what. 😁

  • Why would someone apologise for defending themselves against a bully.

  • edited July 2023

    @Malone I think Bargey was getting it in the neck when he introduced himself as a convert from Wasps, and it was a pile on almost from the off. People are usually going to react one way or another, and he obviously has a thick skin (or seemed to, till the legal thing) and decided to take on all comers. I don't side with every post of his, and again think he crossed the line on the legal threats, but he didn't exactly get a friendly welcome and got some out and out dog's abuse.

    I don't have anyone on ignore, but it really should almost be a requirement between two combatants in some situations!

  • Well, I'm responsible for my own posts, mate. Ultimately it was instant karma - I have a personal rule not to insult anyone (aside from MK Dons or Derby) on a forum, so I deserve to look like an idiot for breaking my own rule.

  • Do you really think threatening someone with legal action over a few (occasionally over the top and unacceptable) insults against a (basically) anonymous person/username on a harmless football forum is a proportionate and reasonable response?

    I think @ChasHarps should also apologise as well, but for me @bargepole’s actions and behaviour is far far worse.

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