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New kit announcement soon



  • I kind of assume every digital service I'm using pinches this kind of stuff. There aren't many 'ethical' tech companies. Not saying it's right, but I'd be lying if I said I could cope without all my apps, streaming services etc 😅

  • Full range really from fraud to stalking, all the way up to manipulating data to prey on vulnerable people, interfere with elections and the like, all either by someone who was sold the data or from when it inevitably gets hacked and released.

    There's a bit of give and take depending on the services and suggestions you might want, also the big beasts have the critical mass, there's little or no point in joining a social network that doesn't have your friends or people you follow on it.

  • @FmG I highly recommend this book to explain better than I ever could, but as a basic primer - the very first thing to think about is that once you've given that data to one organisation, it's gone. They have it, and they can share it with others. You don't know who those others are or what they're going to do with it, and you no longer have any control over that piece of data.

    So, to take a very obvious use case - that screenshot above shows that the Threads app access your health information - why would Facebook need to know anything about your health in order for you to use a shoddy Twitter clone? Obviously they don't - but they can, and will, sell that information. That information could well be extremely useful though insurance companies - now imagine that you find it completely impossible to buy health / life / travel insurance just because you wanted to use Facebook. None of this is dystopian future stuff, it's been like this for over a decade.

    Then consider again that it's actually not just your data that you're sharing with them - you're also sharing information about your family members and anyone in your contacts list. Their T&Cs when you sign up allow them to use all this information for training AI, ML and facial recognition models, once all that information is in there, it's not coming out except when LLaMa.cpp decides to dox you in conversation with some random stranger (chatGPT has already done this), and if it can do it at random, it can do it through deliberate prompt engineering by someone who wants to ruin your life.

    It's much less about "I don't care that Facebook can work out how much I earn", rather "Facebook will ensure every organisation or government who wants to know anything about me, can."

  • Yeah, I get that they all do it to some extent but that’s EVERYTHING.

    And historically, Meta haven’t taken very good care of it.

    Turning the question around about why would I worry about my sharing my data, if it’s of such little importance, why would someone offering a message app be asking for access to this?

    A bit tin-foil I know but a profile that shows some of those things, identifiable to you, could be very dangerous in the wrong hands.

    Each to their own of course.

  • Oh, I also meant to add that current you might not care, but future you might care a LOT and by then it's too late. An awful lot of women in the United States didn't care about social media data collection until it started snitching on them for searching "planned parenthood" once upon a time. Given how much this country likes to ape the US, and how everything now is apparently a culture war between people who think others have a right to live, and people who don't, it's not out of the question that our already proto-fascist government could become even more despotic and something Facebook once read in your private messages could be the cause of a bunch of jackboots kicking your front door in.

  • Let's be realistic, the government themselves probably have all the data they could ever want on us peasants already.

  • That's one of the big issues, If you could stay away from all tech except the most basic requirements and still have your stuff shared by others, leaked, tracked and used against you why would you deny yourself access to a growing range of fairly cool tech services.

  • New change kit revealed at 1830 on Ringing The Blues Live.

  • Love it - now I will be getting this one!

  • Hell of a kit. Shall we have a sweepstake for when it'll actually be in stock?

  • Feels a bit samey, didn't we have something similar before?

  • edited July 2023

    I appreciate I am in the minority, but I don’t get it. Sure they have done a decent copy and paste of an old kit but I don’t get why people say this particular kit look so good.

    it’s ok. As green and white stripes go.

  • It's magnificent

  • I think it’s absolutely outstanding. 10/10.

  • I love it. None of this homage nonsense - it's a proper remake.

  • I know a lot of people will hate it, but even the badge colours match the shirt!

  • edited July 2023

    Why does anyone think that the government are so interested in them? I couldn't care less what they know about me and im sure they have ZERO interest in me anyway.

  • edited July 2023

    It’s not the government you have to worry about. It’s the people that want to buy it from the companies you give it to for free.

    why do they want it?what are they going to do with it to make money? How fair down the chain of buying and selling do you need to go before you get to someone with questionable ethics? I think it’s about link one of the chain.

  • edited July 2023

    Maybe you'll care if they shut your bank accounts down having not liked an opinion you hold on something. Leaving you unable to function financially.

  • Christ on a bike......

  • I think you live in a very different world to the one I live in. Do people actually worry about somebody closing their bank account because they don't agree with the regime? My advice, channel your energy elsewhere, or you will live a very stressful life. If it bothers you - come off social media.

    Great kit by the way.

  • On the harvesting data issue, did I dream this but weren’t the EU looking at ways that we have the right to own our information and could choose to sell it (or not)?

    And does that explain why the new Twitter clone isn’t available in the EU?

    (And although not a fan of the original tea towel shirt, I accept it was iconic and this reboot seems to have done it justice)

  • edited July 2023

    I'm not particularly worried myself no, I use Facebook and the like without worries.

    Others on this very forum will point out the data mining that goes on. I think the doc @drcongo would give a great account of the issues.

    Others would point out this very week alone there have been cases in the news of customers having bank accounts closed due to their opinions and or behaviour.

    I dare say many of us have had bank accounts temporarily frozen due to overzealous fraud scenarios or payments in or out very slightly different to usual etc.

    It's certainly not a stretch to see bank account control as a real reducer in the future.

  • edited July 2023

    China already has a social credit system, and others have at least toyed with the idea. It's not far fetched at all.

    Like @Malone, I don't care about politics, but the idea that a non-totalitarian country could become totalitarian is quite feasible to me.

  • Maybe this chat is best for another thread. Sorry if I caused any offence. Each to their own and all that.

    I love the new kit but feel a little uneasy about kits that don't bear any of the "club colours". Was there ever a reason for Wycombe wearing green?

    I understand red as we have nearly always had a red away kit of sorts.

  • Agreed. Only just looked up to see what thread it was after!

  • Nick Freeman?

  • Didn’t we have quartered green change kits at some point? Probably a question for @ChasHarps or @Steve_Peart

  • I like the new change kit. Its decent. It looks smart and id happily buy it. Gotta love a bit of nostalgia 😍

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