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Radio coverage - Cambridge?

Does anyone know whether BBC Three Counties are running commentary on tomorrow's game?


  • Sadly no live commentary on 3CR tomorrow. There will be team news, reports and post match interview by Matt Cecil as I'm still away.

    Full match comms will be on Chairboys Player from 2.55 with Matt and Will Vince. Internet permitting, I'll be tuning in!

    Tuesday's game will be live on BBC3CR 104.5FM with myself and Scotty.

  • thanks Phil

  • Miss you Phil :(

  • Scotty was a great football player, however, he talks too much, and I feel we are missing what's going on, on the pitch. Mat, Will & Bill much better, & of course yourself PhiI look forward to listening as I can't get to games at the moment. Keep up the good work. COYB

  • Bill and Phil make a great team,always interesting to listen too.

  • Depends if Luton or Watford are playing (or even Stevenage). So probably not.

  • Generally speaking, Wycombe get radio commentaries when their games do not clash with either Watford or Luton games. Watford are assigned the 98FM frequency (amongst others) which is the signal that works the best in the High Wycombe area. Luton tend to occupy the MW frequencies (630MW & 1161MW). 630 being the strongest one of the two in HW.

    In the rare case of MK or Stevenage not playing then their frequency is assigned to WW but it cannot be picked up in the Wycombe area unfortunately.

    Due to Football League licence restrictions, live online commentaries are not permitted to be broadcast on BBC websites.

  • Hi Phil - so we are fifth in line with poor coverage in our area even though we are in one of the "3 counties" and currently 3rd in the league - higher than Luton and Stevenage? Nice to know that my licence fee is well spent.

  • The main issue that prevents regular live commentaries on Wycombe games is that the frequency which covers High Wycombe is assigned to Watford FC (98FM).

    When I'm asked about this I always encourage people to email and voice their complaint that way. If enough people did this it would really help.

  • What would they do if enough people emailed? Assign Wycombe a different frequency?

  • I'm not sure Bill but it would demonstrate there is a demand for the coverage. It could only help the cause in my opinion.

  • @bluntphil cheers for the info, will be emailing myself then in that case, always enjoy the commentary. As I am sure you are aware its frustration at the station not yourself, love the Bill and Phil combo like others have said. Also enjoying Will Vince on coms he has been doing a good job.

  • Think the lack of 3CR coverage is holding us back (not Phil who is great but the transmitter reach), not sure why Wycombe is on that station, more to do with physical topography (for signal strength) than economic geography (other towns we relate to) I would have thought.
    My journey takes me out along the M40 & at Stokenchurch I get BBC Radio Oxford, given the mess at the PNL you have to admire the way their local radio station give them such a full service. Perhaps Phil should file a five minute report for them? That would really wind them up.

  • @BSE Cheers. Will has been an excellent addition to the team. It's all great experience.

  • Reception on Radio Berkshire seems very good and you hear it everywhere. Why does this part of Bucks which is only a few miles away not receive coverage on it, including football? That makes more sense than 3CR which is based further awa?y

  • We used to get coverage on Radio Berkshire in the 90s, then when we started to look as if we might end up doing better than Reading (when we were in the same division), they dropped us like a stone!

  • The BBC Berks point is an interesting one. I don't know the answer I'm afraid but I would guess it's down to the county lines. The geographical position of HW doesn't do it any favours really.

  • There was a time when there was a Local FM station that carried football commentaries but that was fairly short lived I seem to remember. However it went on long enough for other stations to drop WWFC and that hasn't really come back

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