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Does anyone know if our floodlights need to be upgraded in time for next season? It might be me but they have never been the brightest compared to other league 1/2 clubs let alone those we expect to see in the Championship.


  • Yep, they do.. Watch this

  • Upgrading floodlights has to be one of the least sexy ways to spend money doesn't it?

    I was thinking I hope we don't lose too much of the extra money through these off pitch situations, but on the other hand, we'd have probably still needed to do them without the extra money! So it's all good news.

  • LX1LX1
    edited July 2020

    I was well excited when we got subbuteo floodlights one Christmas

  • Did someone mention electronic hoardings? Because it looks like you don't have to have them. Barnsley don't, for example.

  • You mean Barnsley don't gave that dog walking around the edge of pitch? How do they cope?

  • I still don't understand why floodlights have to be brighter in the championship than in league 1

  • More egos in the Championship, bigger spotlight needed

  • @chairboyscentral said:
    Did someone mention electronic hoardings? Because it looks like you don't have to have them. Barnsley don't, for example.

    Don't have to have them, however, we will as it links in seamlessly with the WiFi which we are putting in. Makes sense as you as a sponsor, don't have to buy a season long advert. The hoardings can be changed game by game using computer aided design technology. I assume this means that should we draw a big name out of the hat for a cup game, the adverts can be sold as a one off at a much higher price? That's the way I am reading it anyway.

  • Still love a big pylon do I, whoppers like they had at kettering and Bath city and Blackpool. I know it's all about the light they give off, but arriving in an away town, the feeling you get when you first set sight of huge floodlights, is similar to when you first get a glimpse of the sea, when you're on a family holiday as a kid.
    Maybe I'm just an old romantic, as I still yearn for wooden goal posts and sandy goal mouths.

  • I’m with you on the floodlight pylons, Chas. I hated it when they changed to putting lights along the roof of the stands at the bigger grounds. As you say, it was always an exciting moment when you spotted the lights from a distance, especially for night games. Not sure about the wooden posts and sandy goalmouths, though!

  • The sandy goal mouths were a thing of pure pleasure, as a kid arriving at a Wanderers away game early in the late 70's early, 80's. As my Dad and his pals would be quenching their thirst in the opposition club house. I would gaze at the goalmouths, that would remind me of a freshly iced Xmas Cake. I would wonder how the groundsman could manage to make the fusion of sand and mud into such, a perfect flat surface.
    Until Gary Lester warned up on it, and it became like a sand bolognese!!

  • You’re in a poetical mood today. I’m sure you’ll remember the day the groundsman had to re-paint the penalty spot at Derby’s old Baseball Ground because it was obliterated by mud.

  • Getting good floodlights are really exciting. I need to get out more

  • Terrible thread this:)

  • @glasshalffull said:
    You’re in a poetical mood today. I’m sure you’ll remember the day the groundsman had to re-paint the penalty spot at Derby’s old Baseball Ground because it was obliterated by mud.

    Was that the one when Joe Corrigan was in goal for Man City, and there was a delay before the penalty could be taken ?
    Hyde United in 82, Eastwood in 83/84 season and any month of any season at Green Pond Lane, Walthamstowe could rival the Baseball ground.

  • I was watching that ITV series about European Football the other night (for obvious reasons) and you forget what pitches were like in the olden days. Seeing the might of European football, their famous shirts all brown, clogging through the mud and spit of a barely green British football pitch in the winter time was a sobering sight!

  • On the subject of floodlights, their main advantage in the days before sat nav etc was actually being able to find your way in the general direction of the ground if you had no idea where you were going. It was never any use asking a local at an Isthmian League ground.

    They are also add to the excitement of walking up to any game at night.

    On the subject of muddy pitches, what has changed it so much? Better grass? Better soil management?

  • The goalmouths at Adams Park towards the end of the 91/92 season were in a shockingly bad state

  • I dont know about Sat Nav, but when we played Hyde United at Ewan Fields in 81/82, we tried using our CB radio to locate the ground.
    1.4 for a copy, didnt bring us any luck, we had to stop and ask a pedestrian.

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