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Re: Match Day Thread: Bristol Rovers
The Scottish chap on Sky is good this evening. Bit of a lottery who you get.
Re: Match Day Thread: Bristol Rovers
I think this co-commentator is starting to wind big Phil up
Re: Match Day Thread: Bristol Rovers
Yeah. Engaging, witty and knows when to STFU.
Each to their own but I’d be tempted to switch to Sky tonight if I had it. This fella just won’t give it a rest.
Re: Match Day Thread: Bristol Rovers
Oh no. Co-comms just said something to the effect of "it's hard to see how Bristol Rovers get back into this."
I have enjoyed him, but that is a no-no.

Re: Match Day Thread: Bristol Rovers
Dodds has praised Vokes very highly in every interview. I think he rates him as a person and a coach. And I can't help but agree having spoken to Vokesy a couple of times. A top top man
Re: Match Day Thread: Bristol Rovers
The Co-commentator is a plus for me. Quite posh but I like his measured insightful contributions.
“Here is Inyedinma on the left wing, falls over…,”

Re: Match Day Thread: Bristol Rovers
Have the danes been loaned back to their previous clubs under code names? Anders Notfullyfit and Magnus Almostfit
Re: Match Day Thread: Bristol Rovers
I wish we could send him out on loan.
Could we not just have Phil without a co-commentator?