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Re: Birmingham and Burton KO moved
£32.50 for division three football is scandalous. Shame on Birmingham.

Re: Match Day Thread: Bristol Rovers
Having seen our last three games in the flesh - all draws - watching tonight’s match from the comfort of home. Perhaps that will turn the tide- COYB!

Re: Match Day Thread: Bristol Rovers
Let's hope he can do it on a cold Tuesday night in Stoke Wycombe.
Re: WWFC v Wrexham NOT selected for TV
We’ve spent so long wondering why we never get better crowds we never considered the reason might be…us.

Re: Match Day Thread: Bristol Rovers
He's turned the Danes against us!
(Hello Micra, I've taken on board your comments about my posts being obscure so I'll explain the above. It's a still from the Scottish TV comedy 'Limmy's Show' where Brian Limond plays a number of sketch characters. In the above he is playing a man wandering the streets of Glasgow shouting 'She's turned the weans against us!' 'Weans' (pronounced wanes) is a Western Scottish dialect word meaning small children. It comes from 'wee ains' meaning 'little ones'. The Eastern Scottish dialect word would be 'bairns'. By changing 'she's' to 'he's' and 'weans' to 'Danes' I have made a 'humorous' comment about our manager pissing off our two most expensive signings by never featuring them in the squad)
Re: Match Day Thread: Bristol Rovers
I was keeping that back as a quiz question for a quiet day
Re: Match Day Thread: Crawley
Before she went to the Co-op the other day, mrs micra asked me if I wanted her to get Emily. Our next door neighbour (Emily) is a critical care nurse so I was bemused. Turned out she meant Elmlea - a cream substitute which we’ve taken to recently.
The most extreme example of the challenged hearing phenomenon was a few years ago when I asked mrs m to get some gaffer tape and, bless her cotton socks, she came home with a packet of jaffa cakes.
I’ve nothing to add re the Crawley match except to ask @Blue_since_1990 what he meant by the comment above. Tried and failed to put the quote at the end of this post. Sorry.