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Re: Reading offer Bearwood training ground to Wycombe
I fear you may be right that the usual rules of business don't apply with Dai Yongge, though in normal circumstances where an absentee owner wants to rid himself of a football club, administration would usually be the route they'd go down.
Hopefully Reading and football as a whole will be rid of him sooner rather than later.
Re: Match Day Thread: Preston (FA CUP)
It seems that the Australian Optus site is showing it and, so far, hasn't asked me for a login.
Re: Match Day Thread: Preston (FA CUP)
Why does the Preston badge have "PP" on it?
Did a small boy, who needed the toilet, have a hand in the design?

Re: Loan watch
Me too. A player’s development isn’t always linear, but given Ward played for the first team in 2023 I’d hope he’d have progressed further by now.

Re: New training ground?
It will be many many years before an aircraft uses the new runway if indeed it ever happens which in truth I strongly doubt. Not a factor in where to train for many years.
Construction traffic, noise and pollution may be a factor but even that will at least be a good time off.

Re: The definitive ex-player news thread
Clint Easton, these days, is busy with anti-racism work, alongside being Director of Football Tower Hamlets/Sports Instructor at Oaklands Secondary school.
Re: Match Day Thread: Preston (FA CUP)
I'm more worried about the Wycombe badge on the tv schedule!
Re: Match Day Thread: Preston (FA CUP)
The Lamb is the Lamb of St. Wilfrid who is the Patron Saint of Preston. The letters "P.P." are taken to mean "Princeps Pacis" - Prince of Peace, or as some people would like it to be, "Proud Preston". However, on earlier Coats-of-Arms the Lamb was standing and three letters "P" were depicted on it.