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Re: New training ground?
It will be many many years before an aircraft uses the new runway if indeed it ever happens which in truth I strongly doubt. Not a factor in where to train for many years.
Construction traffic, noise and pollution may be a factor but even that will at least be a good time off.

Re: The definitive ex-player news thread
Clint Easton, these days, is busy with anti-racism work, alongside being Director of Football Tower Hamlets/Sports Instructor at Oaklands Secondary school.
Re: Match Day Thread: Preston (FA CUP)
I'm more worried about the Wycombe badge on the tv schedule!
Re: Match Day Thread: Preston (FA CUP)
The Lamb is the Lamb of St. Wilfrid who is the Patron Saint of Preston. The letters "P.P." are taken to mean "Princeps Pacis" - Prince of Peace, or as some people would like it to be, "Proud Preston". However, on earlier Coats-of-Arms the Lamb was standing and three letters "P" were depicted on it.
Re: Ryan Tafazolli leaves the club on loan
The old Kai Tak ‘international’ airport was terrifying. Looking into apartments as you came in to land. Gone but never forgotten!
Pre photoshop!
Re: FA Cup 4th Round Draw
So you are banned for the rest of the season and we'll be sorted 🤣

Re: New training ground?
It’s owned by Imperial College. I’m sure I read somewhere that when Chelsea had it, one of the stipulations was they had to provide some training for the College’s team
Match Day Thread: Preston (FA CUP)
I’ve taken the below TV broadcasters from the FA website PDF… amateur hour alert!

Re: Other Football
They look doomed, oh the irony if we go up and they go down.
Without Cashin they will sink like a stone.