Best Of
Re: Other Football
I don't know how you can look at that list...mostly teams we've already played and confidently predict we will only win two. This successful season lark is not as much fun on the Gasroom as I had hoped.
Re: Other Football
At times some of the posts on the Gasroom remind me of a witty line from a Franz Ferdinand song called 'Lois Lane':
"At the over thirties singles night
The over thirties singles night
It's bleak, it's bleak, it's bleak
It's bleak, it's bleak...
See you next week"
Re: Other Football
Just to clarify. Does this mean you'll only be able to attend/watch 2 games, or does it mean you think we'll play really pants for the rest of the season?
Re: Training ground
He said hello as he sat down opposite me. I recognised him and mentioned this and he made a joke about having no security. Bit of general chat about the day ahead and we both got on with reading what we were reading.
Seemed like a decent bloke, didn’t listen to music without his headphones on and wasn’t eating a tuna sandwich. Which is all you can hope for.
Birthday Message on Big Screen
Hi, I'm looking to get a message on screen for my son at the match on saturday but don't know who to contact to do this. Can the gasroom please help me out?

Re: Berks & Bucks Senior Cup 2024-25
Didcot are a Berks and Bucks affiliated club due to historical boundaries. They play in the B&B cup. Must be a pleasant diversion from them from playing a number of away league games in West Cornwall!