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Re: Match Day Thread: Bristol Rovers
Talking of “Lommy”, this rather lengthy interview may be of interest to more business oriented Gasroomers like @StrongestTeam. I only managed about ten minutes.

Re: Match Day Thread: Bristol Rovers
I agree with your assessment on Udoh but I don’t want to rewatch his shot from last night when he shanked it into the terrace! I say it in jest of course, and I’m hoping we actually haven’t seen the best from Udoh yet.

Re: Match Day Thread: Bristol Rovers
Possibly less ‘upgrade’ and more ‘succession planning’. We have two capable lads who are yet to reach their prime in Jasper and Back, plus Kodua as a potential back up RB if we sign him on a permanent in the summer.

Re: Match Day Thread: Bristol Rovers
A few hours, and 20 years late but that's very harsh on two pretty good ball players, I got the impression Adams wasn't overly impressed with attitudes when he cleaned them all out, not that he had the first clue about management, but Simpson really was pretty cultured. Sergio was around that period too.
Not that it's any kind of contest but our dryest periods in recent times probably include the bit just before Adams took us down, anything Lambert related, when Waddock was buying Aldershot reserves and if we're being uncharitable then the Gaz period with Thompson and Hayes on his last legs probably just before Bayo arrived.
Re: Match Day Thread: Bristol Rovers
Thanks for sharing, I am interested, less because he works in a similar industry to me, and more because initially when he was linked and took over there was almost nothing out there online directly from him. But the content does look a bit dull and it's late, will maybe have another look at some other point.
I'm not sure everyone else is the same by the way but I don't really have a problem with him not being around, I kind of assumed from the outset that he is bankrolling someone else's dreams / masterplan.
Re: Match Day Thread: Bristol Rovers
I’d have to disagree with your comment about Shrewsbury and the Birmingham clubs. Birmingham is 40 miles as the crow flies from Shrewsbury. Within 40 miles we have 20 league teams and 12 Premier/Championship teams within 32 miles, plus the transport links in to London.

Re: Match Day Thread: Bristol Rovers
Though I would undoubtedly find that far more entertaining than the usual website would in all honesty alarm me a bit.
Re: Birmingham and Burton KO moved
When you click on the ticket link it’s the first option on the left

Re: Other Football
7 games and a win % of 0 doesn't look good. Not that they'll get rid of him.