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Re: Match Day Thread: Wigan
Sounds like an average game, looks like an awful thread.
If you still think Blooms was hard done by you'll probably have that confirmed in a few years, suspect if he does well at Luton he won't give a toss, also find that outcome increasingly unlikely. Either way it'll become less relevant as time goes on but if anyone fancies boycotting and holding up placards outside instead go for it. Snide remarks on here won't help either him, you or the team one bit.
If you think Dodds is out of his depth you'll also find your answer in time but unlikely after one interview, one dull game or him hugging someone. Blooms took the best part of a year to be effective. Similarly with Rice if we do well nobody will acknowledge or care what he actually does day to day, if we don't he'll be a nice easy target.
We were dull today seemingly because we didn't score but opposition good defensively, Kone is just back, Fred was dropped for being in poor form and seems to have made an impact from the bench, and we signed another striker but he's injured, and all the while we are keeping pace in second, doesn't sound a disaster.
I may have missed the point of this thread and pitched this at the wrong level so will end with a "ner ner na ner ner" and a "no - you smell", maybe we can have a separate playground insults / was I right all along thread away from match day reviews and man of the match discussions.
Re: Match Day Thread: Wigan
This is exactly what I have been thinking for a few weeks. I also think some already have promotion factored in so it is something to now be lost rather than to be won. We haven’t won anything yet. Please play nice.
Re: Match Day Thread: Wigan
Sounds like things have calmed down overnight. Several very thoughtful, measured and well balanced posts already which is good to see. Let’s hope our feuding friends can soon forget the divisive events of January 2025 and we can all drink to the rallying words of @Commoner’s final paragraph.

Re: Match Day Thread: Wigan
See that last paragraph, that was an attempt to get back on topic and move on. But noooooooo…… it’s just us pompous lot.
k thx bye. Kiss kiss
Edit: if anyone cares, the Majitos were either weak as hell or dangerously drinkable. And I took inspiration from @chris and went for the full Brazilian. Two of their curries rice and, weirdly, potato’s. Was really good but certainly more Thai than what imagine to be Brazilian. Served almost tapas style which is Spanish and not, I don’t think, Portuguesey.
oh, and the move on is from the sort of petty bullshit back and forth point scoring. Hence why I haven’t addressed, well almost haven’t addressed, anything in your post this time.
Re: Attendance Prediction - Wigan Athletic (h) - Sat 22nd Feb '25 - Match 32 in 24/25
Top Twenty for the total crowd: [5445]
Many congratulations to @wwfcblue and @MindlessDrugHoover who caught the mood of the aftermatch by both being out by 13 and in opposite directions. Good predicting by our Joint Forecasters of the Week.
Congratulations to @silverfox; @NewburyWanderer; @Commoner; @DJWYC14 and @PJS who were all within one hundred of the attendance.
Did anyone catch the number of away fans?
As I write this @robin posts the number of away fans - thanks @robin - I was absolutely fascinated by the accuracy of the passing between Joe Lowe and Caleb Taylor and so I missed it. Other two tables to follow shortly.
Re: Match Day Thread: Wigan
I was being facetious. That was so crap I turned it off with around 10 minutes to go.

Re: Man of the Match - Wigan (H)
I went for Pattenden, I was disappointed that Back didn’t start today (though I understand it was because he cramped up midweek) - but JP gave a very good committed performance, both on the attacking and defensive side.