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Re: Match Day Thread: Wigan
An absolutely key point. Our finest tradition of ensuring a poor game.
Imagine any floating voters booting £30 on that in the FA stand!

Re: Match Day Thread: Wigan
I know it wasn't a good day but this stuff is getting a little silly now

Re: Match Day Thread: Wigan
Are you really a grown up ? This is childish beyond belief. I thought I saw a post sometime ago from you that people should be treated respect and not bullied. Perhaps you take your own advice.

Re: Match Day Thread: Wigan
We really don't want every poor performance or result to become a niggle fest about what is done and dusted though.
That'll get painful fast.

Re: Match Day Thread: Wigan
Next week it'll be a squid a kid and we'll call it the squid game and I should really have thought of a punchline before typing this
Re: Match Day Thread: Wigan
Oh I can deal with it, I just think you're wrong. We have a new head coach - you don't have to like what happened before, but let's get behind him fgs.

Re: Match Day Thread: Wigan
I need to grow a thicker skin but you cannot deal with our football being criticized. Here is a mirror - look into it.