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Re: Blank screen shown on some Gasroom pages
This is a very good forum and a very enjoyable way of taking a break from work / filling a few minutes of downtime at home.
I would gently suggest that, although sometimes the discussion can be spirited and verge on the rude, it very rarely crosses the line into downright hostility and aggression. Everyone can take time out whenever they need to but there was nothing in the recent debate over Matt Bloomfield that should've led to people quitting the board in protest. People had differences in opinion on an issue that they were passionate about. Most of the arguments for both sides were made cogently and constructively and any ticking off generally only came when the same points were being repeated ad nauseum, belligerently and on multiple threads.
Hopefully on reflection people like @Shev will realise that differences of opinion on a messageboard should be celebrated. And if you don't manage to convince others of your brilliance.... Well there will always be an opportunity to gloat and say 'I told you so' down the line. Much like @aloysius does whenever Max Stryjek comes up in conversation.

Re: Blank screen shown on some Gasroom pages
I would be genuinely lost without the Gasroom. Working from home most of the time and living away from Wycombe it's long been my way of being able to read and chat about the Blues and other stuff in a mostly polite, intelligent and sometimes very funny way. I think there's only one other Gasroomer I've knowingly met in real life but even so, it feels like a community. To lose it would be a crying shame but keeping it going must be a real labour of love. Like others, I would happily pay towards it's upkeep.
Hats off to Dr Congo and long live the Gasroom.
Re: Blank screen shown on some Gasroom pages
Echo the words of others but @drcongo you have created a wonderful football forum and an online sanctuary for us all to discuss WWFC. It’s a shame that you feel the need to step away but totally respect the decision and that of others who have done the same recently, it’s hardly surprising. A real shame as some decent contributors have felt the need to step away.
If you do reconsider I would also be happy to pay a monthly fee for the service, apologies but I have zero technical ability to offer.
Re: Blank screen shown on some Gasroom pages
As a man who's suffered some horrible trauma over the past 12 years this place has been a huge outlet. I'll always be grateful to the great @drcongo in particular a private message I received from the man a few years ago.
Thank you

Re: Match Day Thread: Birmingham
That’s the one. Two old(er) ladies pulling pints like their lives depended on it to a throng of thirsty customers.
Re: Attendance Prediction - Birmingham City (a) - Sat 1st March '25 - Match 33 in 24/25
Top Twenty for the Total Crowd: [27522]
Congratulations to @williwycombe, Forecaster of the Week.
Most were blindsided by the maximum capacity being less for us than it was for Reading, Wrexham and Newcastle earlier this season.
Nobody was within one hundred and @Alexo was the only other forecaster within two hundred.
Those shown in yellow are entries which came after @railwaybeth's kind post on my behalf to say that further entries would not count in the 'Tour de Season' because, as @DevC pointed out, both clubs had declared a complete sell out.
That same rule has been applied in the past and will apply for at least the rest of this season, so I will put up a thread for the Wrexham game soon.
Top Twenty Four for the Away Crowd: [1930]
Many Congratulations to @NewburyWanderer who was closest to our number, with the only underestimate in the top 24.
Everyone was within 5% [96.5] - so congratulations all round.
Top Twenty for the Home Crowd: [Calculated 25,592]
Many congratulations to @williwycombe who was closest for the home crowd as well as the total crowd, not surprising considering how close to each other all the away crowd predictions were.
Congratulations to @Alexo who was the only other forecaster within one hundred.
I will start other prediction threads before updating the 'Tour de Season' updates for the Birmingham match.
Re: Match Day Thread: Birmingham
I made the long stroll from the train station to the ground and had a pint at (outside) The Cricketers, a lovely old boozer with no hint of trouble. Albeit it was being watched by a few coppers. I’m sure it gets more hostile when ‘bigger’ clubs with larger groups of motley idiots come to town but on the whole I found it pretty relaxed. I liked the murals and club crests dotted about and outside pubs, gave the place a sense of identity. Would be nice if our local civics could at least erect a few WWFC banners in the town or up Crendon Street. The football club is the only thing putting the town on the map after all.