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Re: Match Day Thread: Wigan
If you take that as an insult, I think you need to grow a thicker skin. Just move on - the constant digs are TIRESOME.

Re: Match Day Thread: Wigan
I am just finding some seriously hypocrisy with the "move on" brigade now forbidding criticism of what is now right in front of us.

Re: Match Day Thread: Wigan
Because you've never once forced Rice into a thread, have you?

Re: Match Day Thread: Wigan
Isn't it time to throw another tantrum and threaten to shut this place?

Re: Match Day Thread: Wigan
Where was Phil, Don't let that co comms idiot into Adams Park again and what the hell was going on out there today
Re: Match Day Thread: Wigan
Dodds is our current manager! Rice and the dataheads are our current regime! Are we now not allowed to criticize present club employees? I did not get that memo.
Should we just talk about the future?

Re: Match Day Thread: Wigan
I might hang around just to point and laugh at you every time you force Blooms into every thread. Is Rice paying you per mention?