Top article on Scott Davies
He of slightly irritating hollywood balls, but also incredible free-kicks and no shortage of genuine talent.
He of slightly irritating hollywood balls, but also incredible free-kicks and no shortage of genuine talent.
His was one of the most impressive debuts I've seen in a Wycombe shirt
Sad story. great that if the article is to be believed he has now turned his life around. Too late though sadly to allow that talent to flourish. I wonder how many more young men with cash in their pocket and time on their hands are making similar mistakes.
I have escaped that fate by the shrewd ploy of denying myself cash in my pocket.
A really good article. A horrendous amount of money but at least he's managed to turn his life around and use his experience to help others.
Really interesting as many stories of addiction are. It's never simple, or the parents fault or just a case of pull yourself together. Even for your average homeless skag addict, there is often a 'there but for the grace of god' aspect to their spiral into despair.
So sad, but glad to hear he's turning it around.
Is he still playing as well? He can't be more than 30-odd.
Once again the football family lets one of its own down. The paragraph where he describes being like a charity by the Aldershot players as they cleaned out the naive kid out regularly is pretty appalling. You cannot tell me that a senior pro of one of the management team didn't know about it and could have seen this as abnormal. Yes we are all adult yada yada but come on.
In Keith Gillespie's (excellent) book he describes how Newcastle paid off his debt to a bookie with the full knowledge of Keegan and McDermott. This was not the help he needed clearly and Davies is no different.
I hope some of those Aldershot players are sat a little awkwardly thinking back how they took advantage of a foolish kid with a problem.
I simply cannot believe that a senior pro forced a young kid to follow through on a £2k bet. There is no way I'd have the heart to insist on the cash.
He turned 30 in March and currently plays for “we all ******* hate ******”.
@prufrock_91 it’s a conference pro and a premier league youth teamer, so maybe not quite as clear cut as all that.
Cheers Micra.
Wow, what a read. Shows that you never really know what's going on in someone's life.
I wouldn't even be too harsh on those Aldershot players. Betting was probably all built into their day to day lives, and they probably thought he was some flash high earner, rather than a troubled kid starting a quick fire descent into gambling hell.
Wonder if the FA might take a bit of a look at this. Admitting betting on football games, repeatedly? The bit about betting on his own team to lose the second half is on the borderline of very dodgy.
What a brave young lad coming out with all his gambling issues to help others, and in doing so, risking further action. Gambling addiction is a serious illness and if the FA take any further action then I would personally be very disappointed.
To get to a stage where you are considering ending your life is surely enough punishment for any young person to experience.
You are a great young man Scott and I for one wish you all the very best with turning your life around.
Totally agree @Blue_since_1990.