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Stevenage: fighting for their contracts?



  • Bayo jumps and he'll score a goal?

    Just a bit bad taste at best

  • It wouldn't be my first choice of tune. I decry the overreaction.

  • Ill advised post, but clearly who the poster was causes a little higher rage than if someone else had posted it.

    I'm sure Dev did a poll once about whether he should disappear off, and surprisingly most wanted him to stay.

    Maybe have a little holiday though, or some sort of hour's thinking time before posting silly stuff?

  • @HCblue we have not reached a point where it is viewed as unconscionable to say something...but we have reached a point where people are allowed to say they think it's questionable and point out why. You don't have to agree.

  • Indeed HC. But Chris is probably right, its probably not worth going there. Shame though - the opening chant Day-o and Bay-o fit so well.

  • "One of the most offensive posts I've ever seen on here. Sickening...Not even @Chris will be able to defend him now"

    "Absolutely pathetic"

    "Excellent, we can all do it in a funny Jim Davidson Chalkie White accent. Oh how Bayo will laugh. You know they drink Um Bongo in the Congo as well? "

    "Dev, you really are an obnoxious person at times."

    Little sign of reasoned objection among these early responses, @wendoverman.

  • edited May 2018

    @HCblue I disagree about mine...which I thought was delightful. The rest of those bastards deserve a kick up the arse.

  • One final word on this subject.

    One of my favourite supporting memories was singing three little birds back at the Plymouth supporters as we closed out another away win. It may well have been the game Alex Lynch got injured. It got through to our Plymouth friends.

    I now realise that as Bob was famous for singing in his distinctive Jamaican accent and I happen to have white skin, I was plainly acting in a despicable racist way by so doing.


  • edited May 2018

    Probably....should stick to telling us the ins and outs of all things Wycombe Wanderers.

    From 250miles away.

  • edited May 2018

    But the words are in perfect english and YOU don't have to sing it in a Jamaican accent @DevC . Even casual racist Eric Clapton shot the sheriff without it. And I'm done.

  • There was nothing casual about Clapton's racism.

  • was / is, who knows

  • I'm with Dev. Let's all paint our faces black as well as singing in a mock creole accent to really make him feel welcome.

  • I was giving slow and the benefit if the heroin I induced doubt @drcongo

  • "I think Enoch’s right, I think we should send them all back. Stop Britain from becoming a black colony. Get the foreigners out," Clapton said from the stage. "England is for white people, man. We are a white country. ... This is Great Britain, a white country. What is happening to us, for fuck’s sake?"

  • To be fair to him he now says he regrets it.

  • Funny how perspectives change over time.

  • @Chris thanks for digging up that quote. Never seen that before. What a knob

  • That and David bowie saying it was time we had a strong leader led to formation of rock against racism. To be fair they were both out of their gourd on H. But it's a sad day when someone can't say something racist without being called a racist.

  • As a Wanderer born in the Shrubbery and grown up in the Caribbean I reckon (Aussie parents) the majority of overreactive posters should grow another layer of skin and get out more! The song is classic, the man is classic, accent be damned if this is not group censorship I’ll eat my scarf. And it started out with such good intentions

  • There's a difference between the song itself (sung by a black man with cultural heritage from Trinidad & Tobago) and mimicking a stereotype Caribbean accent (which is going down the slippery slope towards Chubby Brown, Jim Davidson and Bernard Manning).

  • Just wondering, do people think the Simon Mayo opening theme song is racist then?

  • I don't listen to mr mayo, but if @DevC songs it in a Jamaican accent. Yes.

  • @WanderingDays obviously not.

  • @Chris said:
    "I think Enoch’s right, I think we should send them all back. Stop Britain from becoming a black colony. Get the foreigners out," Clapton said from the stage. "England is for white people, man. We are a white country. ... This is Great Britain, a white country. What is happening to us, for fuck’s sake?"

    Clapton's quote (albeit when he was in the midst of serious drug-fuelled paranoia) was especially ironic since his entire music career was based on black music. As mentioned, to his credit, he has repeatedly expressed regret for what he said.

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