Quiz night and Stevenage Coach
Our coach to Stevenage departs at 10:45 from Wycombe train station and 11:00 from Empire Cinema in Cressex. Please call Colin Butler on 01494 536 270 to book.
We're hosting a quiz night in the Honours Lounge at Adams Park on Monday 11th December. The quiz starts at 8:00 p.m. allowing you to go to the finance forum beforehand.
Entry is £2 a head, teams up to six people. There will also be a bar and raffle so do please come on down if you can.
Thanks all.
Hi All,
The quiz tonight is OFF. Apologies to all hoping to attend but with the weather being dangerous and unpredictable we think it's for the best.
We hope to re-arrange for next year when more people will hopefully be able to make it.